Chapter 10: A Case Of You

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Egypt and Kimberly arrived at the residence of Prince and Egypt and knocked upon the door. The door creaked open without a human existence greeting them behind it. The scent of the home imposed upon their noses as they concealed them with disgust. It smelled of alcoholic beverage in the room and this made Egypt concerned. She called for him, hoping that he hadn't swooned. She took a few more steps towards the kitchen and caught a glimpse of Prince embracing the bottle of liquor as though it were a troubled infant.  Kimberly gasped at the sight that lied before them. She couldn't believe her musical instructor was in this position during this time of his life. She never saw him as a drunker or a problematic male. This did more than just concern her. Egypt crouched to Prince's side and examined his figure. He was clearly intoxicated. She pecked him upon his quivering lips and convoyed him to the couch in their home. It was difficult for her to do it alone, so Kimberly helped by toting his legs. Kimberly shook her head in disturbance as she experienced what Egypt had to deal with.  As Prince lied upon the couch, he pleaded for Egypt to stay. He promised to her that he would seek help again. He promised her like he had before, however it hasn't worked. Egypt threatens to leave Prince again and that frightened him. He wanted to defend his stance, however he was too tired to. He lied upon the couch and drifted into a well-needed slumber. Egypt viewed this as a feasible time pack up her things for a temporary departure and that she did.


Egypt & Kimberly fled from the tiresome home. She had to rest her frail body somewhere. Kimberly knew that Egypt would soon have to explain why she had to stay over. Egypt hadn't even acknowledged the sudden passing of her mother. Egypt never heeded her mother. She felt as though her mother was troublesome. A part of her feels some sort of solace from her passing, however she will always feel some sort of pity for her mother. Kimberly & Egypt decided the best idea to follow would be to find a local hotel. Egypt could rest without the burden of Prince & her child could develop. They checked into what appeared to be a 'Holiday Inn'. Kimberly had some change saved from the job she had been working as a intern in dental assisting. She loaned the money to Egypt who shook her head at the favor being demonstrated. Kimberly reassured Egypt that the money didn't need to be paid back. Kimberly braced Egypt and stroked her cheek. She insisted that she would be in good hands. Egypt sighed once Kimberly left the hotel. She convoyed her luggage to her space all by her lonesome. Egypt had a lot of stress consuming her. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to live with Prince anymore. 


Egypt sat upon her bed analyzing the day. She had a HUGE decision that needed to be made & quickly. This made Egypt rather apprehensive. She pondered what her life would be like if she left Prince. She pondered what her child's life would be like if she left Prince. She knew she couldn't stay with someone as abusive as him. She didn't have any place to go. Egypt knew that she couldn't even live with Kimberly. If they were to find out that she left her mother to die, they would report her to the police department. There was only one thing that she could do. Egypt decided that she MUST run away. She quit her job recently due to orders of her to relax. It was only luck that she thought to save some money on the side from her recent work. Egypt wasn't sure how much money that she had saved. She tucked it away in Prince's closet & fortunately Prince hadn't found it to spend it upon frivolous items. Egypt groaned to herself. The money was still in the apartment & she had to retrieve it.  

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