Chapter 11: I'm Leaving, I Hope You're Coming With Me

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Egypt raced out of the apartment with the change she saved responsibly. She spotted the nearest transportation that she could find and that happened to be a shuttle bus. Egypt demanded chauffeur to bus her to a place far from Prince. She knew that Prince wouldn't accept this. She knew that there was a chance that Prince couldn't continue life without her presence. She relentlessly fulfilled her journey. She stopped thinking about ones emotions and started taking the initiative. Egypt desired change and she desired happiness and this, Egypt would pursue it. Egypt gazed out of the window of the shuttle bus. The night was nearby and she could feel the foggy mist creating a rather gelid atmosphere upon it. She touched the glass with her fingertips to measure the temperature. It was going to be a chilly night and she came ill prepared. This was the type of day where she would have wished that she never attended that school. She often felt regret. She knew her mother was rotting in that home. She left her to die because of Prince. She wanted to be with Prince and because of this she allowed her contemplation to be muted. She blamed her mother for this. She yearned for a proper parental figure and never has she gotten it. She felt her mother was to blame because she felt as though she wasn't taught correctly. She didn't know how to deal or receive respect from the opposed sex without chirping for attention. She tried not to become her mother. she tried not to become what broke her; but she did. Egypt was her own enemy and that she knew. 


The chauffeur had driven out of the city and into a new town. The shuttle bus stopped in a place that Minnesotans would call 'Rush City'. It was a city that was very homely. She sighed out as her transportation gave out on her.   The chauffeur darted at her and that was her signal for payment. She did just that and out she went. She had no idea where she was going but she knew she had to find some shelter to rest her head. She saw a hotel standing off to the left of her. She grinned, weakly to herself and sauntered to the building. 

Once she was inside, she noticed that the hotel appeared to have a southern taste to it. She didn't know where this type of style came from nor did she believe it to be real. She had always read about this style in History textbooks; however never did she think one would live so unfashionable. She shuttered at the decor. It wasn't a appealing appearance; but it would do for tonight. 

A elderly woman exchanged glares with her, as she strolled to her appointed position. The hotel hardly had service during this time of the day. She greeted her and inquired her of her reason of existing in her presence. Egypt mumbled and the elderly woman immediately understood. 'I have a room that was just serviced and disinfected. Do you want to rest there for tonight?' Egypt nodded in response to her question. The elderly woman guided her to the resting station and Egypt was very grateful. Egypt turned to pay for the woman's gracious deed and suddenly the woman looked disapproving. She peered in Egypt's somber eyes and provided her with reassurance. 'I was just like you at this age. I was pregnant with one of my first daughters. My parents didn't approve of me keeping my sweet child.' She left her sentence as that and rejected the cash. She strolled away as she did before and Egypt entered her room. She closed and slid down the door of the lemon-scented room. A goodnight's siesta was needed, tremendously. 

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