Chapter 15: It's Only Mountains

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'Attention Wal-Mart shoppers, Wal-Mart will be closing in ten minutes.'
The blaring of the speakers jolted through Egypt's nervous system. She was in a deep contemplation when the news touched her ears. She concealed herself with the mattresses and waited beneath until the store officially closed. The employees of the facility soon left and Egypt was there in her lonesome. She rose herself from beneath the mattresses and took the time to search the premises. As she investigated the premises, she noticed the excessive nourishment that lingered the aisles. 'Wow.' She whispered. The aisles held her favorite childhood snacks from her fetus years. She picked one of the snacks up and sighed. 'I hadn't had a Twinkie in so long.' She opened the box of Twinkies and unraveled it from its wrapping. Once she bit into her Twinkie memories of her mother and she filled her brain. A tear shed down her face as she slowly chewed the substance. This was the time in her life where she could use some motherly guidance. The guilt of her mother was consuming her once she remembered seeing her for the last time. There were years of tension brewing between them. Egypt's mother didn't seem to care about her well being. She only cared about herself. Egypt bolted to her mattress and concealed herself in it. She sobbed to herself as she hoped that her mother would come back. If only she didn't fall for Prince, She wouldn't be in this situation. She wouldn't be so sad. She dusted herself shortly after her emotional moment and promised herself that she'd care for her child properly. It was going to take some time but she was determined to be the best mother to her child that she could. The first notion of her plan was to find work. Although she was pregnant, she wouldn't allow herself to be lazy. The dusky night slumber was seeping into her body as she envisioned how she'd support her child. This time was going to be different. This time Egypt was going to fight for her sanity.

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