Chapter 14: One-Stop Shop

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'Egypt, please. I love you so much.' 

Egypt dried her tears and lifted her head to his face. She had an unreadable expression for the very first time. She rose from the ground and dusted herself off. She waved at Prince and sauntered inside of the McDonald's. The commotion was making her famished. Prince ran after her and grasped her arm. Egypt jolted away from him in disgust. How dare Prince handle Egypt in such a way. Egypt tried again to escape, but this time Prince had clenched onto her body. 'Please, Egypt. Please don't leave me!' 

Prince fell to his knees and begged Egypt for her love. Egypt shifted away as the crowd began to peer at them. 'Prince, I can't do this anymore.' 'Please, Egypt. I can't see myself with anyone else. I can change!' 'Prince, I am sorry. I just can't allow my child to be around this behavior.' 

Prince grasped her legs once he saw that Egypt was leaving the premises. Egypt wiggled out of Prince's grip and ran. Prince was left in the dusky night breathless and tearful. 'Egypt!' He screamed, yet there was no response. 

Egypt raced to the shuttle station and demanded a ride to Minneapolis. Although she was short on finances the chauffeur allowed her to ride. She wept into her lap as the shuttle took off. It was an hour ride to Minneapolis; however, she couldn't be more delighted to be home. 

The shuttle stopped at the Minneapolis shuttle station and Egypt got off. She wasn't sure who else she would turn to. It seemed like everybody was against her. She desperately wanted to go home, but she knew what was at stake. She was just so tired of running. Egypt couldn't think of a better proposition until she was met with the greatest plan. As Egypt walked the streets of Minneapolis, she saw a Wal-Mart. She noticed the Wal-Mart was beginning to close so she crept in. Once Egypt had successfully entered the facility, she was instantly met with a section of mattresses. 'This is too perfect.' She thought. 

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