Chapter 7: I Will Love You Until The End Of Time

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The nightfall continued in a tranquil fashion, the winds whisked outside of Egypt and Prince's bedroom window. Egypt occasionally enjoyed nights like this. She would embrace Prince's warmth during these hours. She lied silenced upon the bed when she felt a swift kick in her abdomen. She grunted in discomfort as she placed her hand over the irritation. It seemed to be a body part. Egypt gasped when she felt it. It appeared to be a foot scraping across the area.  She thought of waking Prince to experience the moment with him, but she would rather stare at his sleepy expression. She pecked his cheeks and sighed to herself. What a wondrous sight this was to her. She ended her late contemplation and fell to sleep. As she slept, she began to have a vision. 

The vision contained vivid imagery of she and Prince caring for their unborn child. She noticed that their baby appeared to be a male. He was dressed in a blue beanie and pajama clothing. The setting of the vision appeared to be in a hospital. A nurse came in to examine the baby's vitals. Egypt seemed to be wondering why the nurse suddenly waltzed in. She approached the nurse in a hesitant manner, she smiled at Egypt and began to speak. 'He is just a little Prince, isn't he?'


The sunlight of the dewy sky trailed into their bedroom. Egypt had already awoken from before. She lied pondering about her and Prince's unborn child. She also pondered over her previous vision. What did it mean? She shifted her attention towards Prince who was still sleeping. She wished he would awaken simultaneously as her. 

She placed a peck on her fingertips and transferred it to her stomach hoping their unborn child would receive it.  She trudged out of the bed and headed towards the bathroom like she would each morning. She noticed as she had moved from the mirror that she had grown. She definitely never thought that it would happen that fast. After spending a few moments in the restroom, Egypt still returned to a sleeping little Prince. She groaned as she saw his saccharine face being swallowed by the cottony pillows. She desired for him to awaken, so she could spew the 'good news'. Apparently, time was going too leisurely for her so she awoke him herself. 'Wake up!' She exclaimed. Prince grumbled at Egypt's blithe attitude.  What was it that had her so exhilarated this morning? 'What is it?' He questioned, faintly. 

Egypt: I had a dream.

Prince: A dream?

Egypt: Yes, a dream!

Prince: Well, what was this dream about?

Egypt: The dream was about our baby!

Prince: It was?

Egypt: Yes, it was. Our baby is going to be a boy!

Prince's eyes glimmered when he heard the words Egypt spoke. A boy? His very own son? Is it possible? Is it possible that Egypt's dream was a sign? 

Prince: 'How do you know that?'

Egypt: 'The nurse in my dream told me. I think she might have been an angel.'

Prince: 'Please don't be joking!'

Egypt: 'I am not.'

Prince sprung out his bed and bounced about in the bedroom with Egypt in his arms. Egypt chuckled at the excitement upon Prince's face. Egypt couldn't wait for the little bundle of joy to arrive and it seemed Prince was feeling the same. If only she had a camera. She would capture the beauty of this moment and frame it. It was moments after their exuberance when Prince gazed deeply into Egypt's eyes and cleared his throat. He appeared to be having something plaguing his mind, so Egypt questioned him. She cuffed his fluffy cheeks with her cozy palms and awaited for his response. Unexpectedly, Prince knelt down upon his knee and professed his love to Egypt.  

Egypt's eyes misted once Prince had done this. It was almost like a mystical fantasy she was living in. At least that was what it felt like to be with Prince. Prince was everything she desired and more. She dated about for a long while; however none of them seemed to correlate with her. She often wondered what her friends, Kim and Jacques would think of her accepting his notion; but they were far from her ponders. Egypt just hoped to leave this wretched town and maybe move somewhere else. She didn't want to stay here and be ridiculed by the idiotic individuals the resided here. She loved Minnesota, so she didn't want to move out of the state. She wanted to move to a secluded area. She was reluctant to pitch such a plan to Prince. She wasn't quite certain how his response would be. He had already given up so much just to be with her. Prince loved her more than he might have loved himself and possibly just as much as he adored his music. If only they could cease to conceal their relationship then maybe there would be witnesses to this kind of beauty. There wasn't much of a reason anymore. Egypt was a legalized adult. Why not expose their love affair? 

Prince didn't propose with an engagement ring because of the financial difficulty. That didn't stop Egypt from loving him, though. It wasn't about the money or the jewelry.  It was about the experiences they shared together. It was about the way Egypt would feel every morning and midnight when she would embrace Prince. It was about how supportive Prince was and everything else in between. There wasn't a doubt in Egypt's mind that they were soulmates. 

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