The Begining...

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Savannah's POV.
Thursday April, 18th
I walked in to school with my binder pressed against my chest, head held down. If anyone saw me, the real me I'd lose everything... I already lost my dad... He taught me everything I know about fighting and self-defence.
There goes another day gone to working my high school life.
"Now students I want page 372 and 373 done by Wednesday ok?!" Declared Mr.Hudson
Everyone murmured in agreement. I sighed. Another day gone, 1 day older.... Ariyana ran up to me.
"What's up Vannah?" She asked
"Nothing much you?"
"Same...So tell me when are we going out next?"
Ariyana and I fought street thugs almost every night.
"Ummm.. I don't know? Wanna go out tonight?" I said still looking down. We just have to get out of Tyson's radar though I think he's getting suspicious, but I hadn't told Ariyana yet.
"Will your brother (Tyson) be out today?"
"Yeah he's playing football with his friends tonight." I answered truthfully
"Cool." Malia responded.
"Wonder if-"
I got pushed against the locker again.
"What's wrong," Julian put a smirk on his face I could smell his cigarette breath... "you in a bad mood? I can fix that for you..." His smirk got worse and so did his breath. I felt like puking my insides felt like a twirling mess about to burst.
"Julian what d-do you w-want...?" I said trying to make a scared voice. I hate doing this pretending to be scared I could punch him so hard and knock that smirk right off his face. He scoffed.
"I'll be back." He said, his voice as cold as the harsh wind clattering over me.
He dropped me and I fell to the ground. I tucked my head in my arms. What was he thinking "he could fix that for me" I shake the thought out of my head it's just too much right now...

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