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Malia's P.O.V
I left after Tyson told me to.
I called Justin. (He's my boyfriend he has short brown hair and blue eyes. Last time I saw him he had a red button up shirt on with black dress pants and shiny shoes. We were at my aunts wedding.) he didn't pick up...
I walked home and my phone rang mid way.
It was Justin. I answered my phone.
*phone conversation*
"Hey Malia..."
"What's up?"
"Nothing much just walking home. How about you?"
"For one im talking to an AMAZING girl"
"I have to go by3."
(end of phone convo)
I found my silver plated key and jiggled it into the key slot.
It opened and I yelled, "Im home!" Of coarse no one responded back to me.
I grabbed a chip bag and headed upstairs.
I have to break up with Justin.
Why is my life so complicated?
I broke up with him. We fought. He swore. I cried. He did this to me. He made me stay in bed with mascara running down my cheeks.🤐 I never dared to tell anyone that he hurt me... But Savannah.

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