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I grabbed my stuff and the keys to my brothers car. I popped my stuff into the trunk and turned the car on. First place I go is our old house.
Weird? My moms calling me...
Phone convo.
"Yes mom?"
"Where are you?!"
"Tyson told me..."
"About what?"
"My dad."
There was a pause.
"Moms not here right now." That was a different voice. Not my moms! I turned the car off and jump out. I raced inside. I've never ever had this much adrenaline pumping through my body.
Who was he? Was he my-
Someone grabbed a cloth and covered my mouth. I felt dizzy. My eyes threatend to shut. I tried to keep them open but they just...
Hey guys sorry for the short chapter...there are going to be more soon. When a lot happens in a chapter I make them short😁

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