Chapter Seven

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Peters pov

I had gone strait to Lucy's house to see a fancy car parked outside. At first I thought to sneak around to the back yard and look into the bedroom window but thought better of it worried I would see something I didn't want to see and do something that would get me arrested so I just waited in my car a few houses down contemplating on what I should do. It wasn't long though before they came outside, Lucy dressed like rainbow bright skipping happily behind the man who just smirked and shook his head. When they pulled away I followed at a safe distance.

Your becoming quite the creapy stalker ol boy, I thought to myself shaking my head but I continued to follow them to the Ihop and parked far enough away that Lucy wouldn't see me, waiting for them to go inside before I followed. When I got inside I spotted the booth they were sitting in and made my way over to the booth next to theirs sitting down with my back to Lucy's. She was so busy chatting away and giggling that she didn't notice me and the man was fully absorbed in what she was saying that he didn't even spare me, a stranger a glance.

I wanted to rip that smirk right off his face. How dare he be near my baby girl, worst yet how dare he know my little so well.

Lucy's pov

As we ordered our meal I squirmed in me seat bringing my legs up and kneeling to reach the sugar against the wall. I was just about to put sugar into my chocolate milk when uncle Kristopher took it away.

I don't think so, he chuckled. So tell me how is collage going? Are you making any friends?

No, I pouted. I don't really talk to anyone. If I'm not studying I'm working and well I'm scared that if I make friends and they find out about me they won't want to be my friend anymore.

Sweet heart it's not good to not make friends. Surely you have someone you can talk to. It's not healthy. Those pervs on your site aren't the right kind of communication you need.

Well.. I paused. There is Mr. McPherson.

A teacher?

Yeah my English teacher. At first I thought he was mean and grumpy but then I found out he's kind of nice and I think he likes me... You know like in an adult kind of way.

He hasn't done anything inappropriate has he?, uncle Kristopher asked frowning.

No.. Well not really. He invited me to his book club that he has with a few students but I wasn't sure I'd I was suposed to bring my own book so I went there Friday to ask him and he invited me in for dinner. He makes really good spaghetti, I grinned and so did my uncle.

How bad of a mess did you make, he chuckled.

I was a big girl I only made a little mess but Mr. McPherson didn't seem to mind and he cleaned me all up and then we watched a movie.

What movie?

Finding Nemo!, I exclaimed giggling.

Then what did you guys do?

We talked for a little bit then I had an accident and I got really upset, I pouted.

And what did your teacher do?

I blushed. He cleaned me up and put a diaper on me, I whispered.

Uncle Kristopher frowned. And what did you think of that?

Well at first I didn't like it. I'm not a baby. And... And he's my teacher. But he told me it was only in case I had another accident then to chear me up becase I was still upset that I had had an accident he read me a story. My favourite story!, I said excitedly.

Princess and the pea?, uncle Kristopher asked and I nodded excitedly.

Yeah he's really nice. Even if he is my teacher and isn't suposed to do those kinds of things with me.

What happened after that? Did he ever touch you inappropriately?

Nope. He was very good at making sure he didn't touch my princess parts expect to wipe me clean and even then it was very quick. No bad touching.

Good. Did you go home after the story?

No I fell asleep and so he put me to bed in his nursery.


Mmmhmm. It's really nice. It has a little girl bed and a crib too. And and and lots of toys! And when I woke up in the middle of the night scared and upset Mr. McPherson rocked me back to sleep telling me that it was okay and he would take me home in the morning. And in the morning he made me pancakes with blue berries and whip cream! It was really yummy!

Does he want you to be his little?

Yeah but I don't know if I want to be his little. I've never had a daddy before and it's kind of scarey. What if he wants to do naughty things with me and I don't want to and he hurts me?

Then I would make him wish he never laid eyes on you, uncle Kristopher growled. Maybe I should meet this man who seems to be taking advantage of my only niece. I want to check this guy out. How old is he?

I think he's as old as you. I think. But kind of cute.

What are you saying your uncles not cute?!, uncle Kristopher teased and I giggled.

Your my uncle silly!

Your very attractive and rich uncle who always has sexy women throwing themselves at me.

I laughed loudly and watched as the waitress came over with our food eying up my uncle with a look that had me feeling a little uncomfortable.
To bad you like boys. Girls have no chance with my uncle Kristopher.

Speaking of which, uncle Kristopher grinned. I met this guy a few weeks ago and I think you will really like him.

You got a boyfriend?! I squealed and uncle Kristopher nodded chuckling.

Yeah he was working this weekend and I wanted to check up on you first since I hadn't heard from you in a while but maybe next weekend I will bring him down to meet you.

Does he know that I'm.... You know not always a big girl?

Yes he does. I told him all about you and that if he couldn't accept you then we weren't going to work out because you are the most important person in my life.

Cause I'm your niece?

No because you are the closest thing to a daughter I will ever have.

Feeling an overwhelming emotion take over I crawled under the table to his side of the booth and snuggled into uncle Kristopher's side. Love you, Uncle Kristopher. Thank you for taking care of me when my parents didn't want me anymore.

Love you too munchkin and remember no matter what I will always be there for you. No matter how little you become, no matter what kind of trouble you get into I'm going to be here and if you really like this teacher and he treats you right then I'm okay with that. But I think before you make any sort of decision I think it's best we meet. I don't want him taking advantage of you.

Do you think if I became his little he would make me stop my job?

I would kind of hope so. I don't like that you have an adult website but I know you need to make money some how since you insist on doing things on your own. But if he does want to become your daddy I will expect him to support you like a daddy should.

But what if I don't want to stop my work?, I pouted.

Then you will have to sit down and have a serious adult discussion about it. Now your suppers getting cold. Get back to your own side of the table and eat up.

Okay, I sighed and crawled back over to my side of the table.

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