Chapter Eleven

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Peters pov

All I wanted to do was pull my baby girl into my arms and hold her close telling her everything was going to be okay. I knew her uncle was just being protective but he wasn't seeing how upset he was making Lucy with his over bering aditude so nodding I gave Lucy a reassuring smile before heading back to the bedroom with the far to possessive man.

As soon as the bedroom door closed behind me Lucy's uncle turned on me. What are your intentions with my niece you sick pervert, he sneered and it took all of my will power not to punch him in the face.

I love lucy and all I want is to take care of her and protect her.

And mess with her head, Kristopher growled.

Since meeting you she has regressed farther then she ever has. The other day when I came to visit she had sat on the toilet and pissed in her panties then told me she forgot to take them off. She hasn't done that in years.

Yeah well your the one that lets her have her own porn site where hundred of sick pervs watch her constantly. She needs a daddy to take care of her so she doesn't end up being with some sick freak who will abuse and miss treat her.  All I want is to take care of her and love her, make sure she is being well cared for.

You just want to use her. put your filthy hands on her, Kristopher sneered.

You sound like a jealous boyfriend, I said crossing my arms over my chest. I thought I would be dealing with a possessive father but the way you are going about this you would think all you want is to keep her to yourself. Lucy has a life of her own, you can't keep her locked away for yourself. She is a sweet girl who can make her own desisions. I never once pushed her into something she didn't want to do.

For the longest time Kristopher glared at me, ready to explode before he finally sighed.

That girl is the most important person in my life and I just want her to be safe and happy. And I don't trust you.

I don't expect you to but I expect you to trust Lucy's desisions. She may be innocent but she's not stupid or gullible. She can make her own desisions in life.

If you hurt her you won't like what I will do to you, kristophers finaly growled and I gave a tight smile.

If I ever hurt her I will gladly submit to what ever punishment you deem nessisary. Lucy is a good girl an she deserves having someone take care of her the way she needs and I promise you that I will never force her to do anything she doesn't want to do.

Nodding kristophers hed his hand out to me. I'm counting on you taking care of my niece and if you don't you will regret it.

I'm counting on it, I smiled and took his hand in a firm grip. For a moment we played the whos stronger game before letting go and I opened the door to Lucy's room and jest urea for kristophers to go first.

We found lucy and Jared cuddled up on the couch wrapped up in the blanket.bothe fully engrossed in the movie. My baby girl with her thumb in her mouth. Moving over to the pot of coffee someone made I grabbed a cup and moved to sit on the other end of of the couch reaching over to pull lucy into my arms. Immediatly she snuggled up on my lap, her head resting on my chest as Jared offered me the blanket with a smile.

Returning the smile I wrapped my baby in the blanket and kissed the top of her head. Moments later, kristopher moved to sit on the arm of the couch next to Jared handing him a cup of coffee. Together the four of us finished watching beauty and the beast before I finally got up and began making dinner.

Are you two staying for dinner I asked politely and received a glare for kristophers breafly before he sighed and shook his head.

Not tonight, but thank you. I think Jared and I have intruded on you two enough tonight but maybe another time.

Uncle Kristopher, thank you for not getting mad at daddy- I mean Peter, Lucy said twisting her hands as she looked down at her feet.

I watched as Kristopher smiled at his niece, puller her into a hug. It's okay sweet heart you can call him daddy around me. I can't say that I'm happy about the whole thing but if he's making you happy that's all that I want. But.... Kristopher looked over at me. If he ever hurts you he will regret ever coming into your life.

Daddy won't hurt me, she said with conviction and I couldn't help but feel pride well up in me. My little girl was such a loyal little thing. If she only knew that I had been stalking her before she accepted me as her daddy. I'm sure she would have her over protective uncle kicking me to the curb with a restraining order thrown into my face.

As soon as Kristopher and his boyfriend left I moved to pulled lucy Ito my arms kissing her forhead softly. Well that was an interesting evening, I mumbled before lifting her onto my hip.

What did you and uncle Kristopher talk about?, she asked curiously, a slight tinge of worry in her eyes.

Well in the beginning he pretty much told me to stay away from you, that I corrupted you into acting like a baby but I just told him I never forced you into anything you didn't want. I know the diapers weren't exactly your desision but I know you like wearing them.

I do, they make me feel naughty when I use them and warm and snugly the rest of the time and your always so happy when you can change me.

Speaking of which, I murmered squeazing her squishy bottom and grinned when she blushed scarlet. Turning the pot of water down I carried her back to the bedroom and laid her back on the bed. I love your outfit by the way. Very cute.

I was hoping you would like it, lucy grinned, grabbing hold of the bottom of her sweater pulling it down to cover her wet diaper.

I do but how on earth can I change that cute bum of yours if your hiding your diaper?

My bums not cute, lucy mumbled shyly blushing and I couldn't help but chuckle and tickle her sides so she squirmed around before I found myself leaning over her, staring into her pretty brown eyes that stared at me with such inocence.

I love your bum baby girl, I murmered softly before giving her a little peck on the lips. And one day when your ready, I will show you just how much I love that cute little bum and all the rest of your cute little body. But for now... I kissed her again looking down into her wide eyes. For now you are just my baby girl. A baby girl who needs a fresh diaper so daddy can get back to making you your favourite supper.

Sketti?, Lucy asked hopefully and I smirked.

Yes. Sketti. Now be a good girl and let daddy change your diaper.

Okay, lucy said mailing and laid back as I quickly removed her wet diaper, wiping her down before adding a bit of diaper cream to her princess parts and slipping a fresh diaper onto her.

Tonight didn't quite go as planned but atleast I got the whole meeting her uncle out of the way. Now all I had to do was convince him that I was good for lucy, which I truely believed I was and then it would be working on getting lucy to move in with me. Even if it was just for spring break which was coming up soon. It would be a good test to see if we were the right fit.

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