Chapter Eight

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Peters pov

I sat there drinking coffee listening to Lucy and her uncle talk. In one sence I was releaved to know that this man was actually her uncle and that he didn't out right oppose the fact that I wanted to be Lucy's daddy but knowing that this man wanted to meet me told me it wasn't going to be as easy as it seemed. And then there was the way Lucy told her version of Friday night. She had left certain things out and I wondered if it was because she actually liked me. She didn't seem like she was opposed to having me as her daddy. It was more she was undecided over the fact that she might have to give up her career in fetish porn.

Could I really let her continue to do those things for hundreds, thousands of viewers? No I don't think I could. But maybe I would let her keep the feed if it was just pg content. That would be something that I would have to give a lot of thought to. I'm not sure how long I listened to them talk but finally Lucy's uncle was paying for the bill and I tucked myself into the corner looking down at my coffee as they passed and I was glad that Lucy didn't notice me..

I waited until they pulled out of the parking lot before I got up paying for my coffee. I itched to go to my baby girls house but I knew that wouldn't be wize I had already pushed the boundaries tonight beside I had a class first thing in the morning.

Driving home I entered my lonely house hoping that it was filled with a happy giggling girl soon. Heading upstairs I took a shower and headed to my room intent on heading to bed but something just seemed to call me to my office and I found myself sitting down infront of my computer and logging into Lucy's feed. There she was sitting on her bed in the my little pony sleeper I had given her colouring a picture as she hugged her stuffed elephant. She was so god damn adorable. Sighing I leaned back in my chair watching her until she let out a big yawn and climbed into her bed sticking her thumb into her mouth and falling asleep.

Logging out I turned off my computer and went to bed myself. I had three classes tomorrow and I was waiting anxiously for my last class of the day when I would see Lucy. I wanted to talk to her and ask her if she had made a desision yet.

Lucy's pov

I felt much better after talking to uncle Kristopher. He made me feel a lot better about my decision. But I still didn't want to jump into anything with Mr McPherson if he wanted me to be his baby he had to go at my speed. First I wasn't going to move out of my grandmas house. Atleast not yet. But maybe I could have the odd sleep over at his place.

Climbing into the shower I quickly washed myself down letting my morning bladder go like I usually did before hopping out and looking through my more grown up cloths. Today I went with a simple blue tshirt black tights and the denim skirt I wore last night. Brushing my hair I threw it up into a messy bun and grabbed my back pack by the door.

I decided today I would get breakfast on the way to school. I was suddenly craving a hot chocolate and a cheese bagel from Tim Hortons. There was one right near the collage.

Skipping out to my car I hopped in and headed to school. Today I was going to have to face mr McPherson and I knew that he would demand some sort of answer. I had mannaged to avoid him all weekend but now I had to face reality. I just hoped he could accept my compromise. Well I hadn't really decided how we were going to do it I just knew that I wanted him to be my daddy but I still wanted to have my life.

So lost in thought I drove right by the Tim Hortons and didn't realize until I was pulling into the parking lot of the collage.

Groaning I looked at the time. There was no way I was going to make it there and back before my first class. Pouting I grabbed my bag and climbed out of my car. Maybe I could hit the cafeteria before my next class.

Heading down the hall I walked past Mr. McPherson's class and bit my lip as I saw him through the window giving a lecture. The memory of my night at his house came back to me and fear and excitement washed over me and I hurried down the hall before he saw me. I had to be sure I went to the bathroom before taking his class today. When I was around him I tended to have accidents and I wanted to make sure that didn't happen today. I needed to be a big girl around him today. I needed to be a big girl at collage.

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