Chapter 2

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After that we went to book the flight tickets for our trip round the countries. We  went to U.S first, there my friend saw the Statue of Liberty in New York and asked me why is this lady standing up there and holding a torch which is used in olympics.I wondered why this girl is comparing this lightening arrester with the Olympic torch? Then she asked why is that lady holding up the Olympic torch? I told her that it is in the shape of an Olympic torch but it is not an Olympic torch, it is a lightening arrester. She then asked me why is the lady having spikes on her head? I told her that those spikes are the place where the charges of lightening get deposited. My friend asked me on what basis is this Statue of Liberty built? I told her that this was built on two principles 1) the section if points or corona discharge and 2) the electrostatic induction. Now my friend became curious and asked me to explain briefly. I told her that the action of points are nothing but the accumulation of charges at the sharp ends of the spikes on the lady's head that leads to the discharge of the charges of the spikes. The electrostatic induction is nothing but when the charges present in the lightening react with the charges present in the spike, the charges get neutralised and that it reduces the potential of the cloud. We then moved to the White House in U.S. We know that we are not of that high status to get into the White House , so we saw it from outside. While returning back home my friend thought the rules of government of U.S was same as the rules of the INDIAN government. So, with this thought she threw the waste paper on the platform.The  police cop who was standing a little away from us saw my friend throwing the waste paper came and arrested my friend and me. Even now my friend was laughing at that moment also. I asked her how can u laugh even at this moment also?she replied saying that"I already told that we are just going to count the no.of bars present in the prison till we come out of the prison." All ok but how are we going  to get out  the prison ? I asked. She said that " it is the design that we have to go behind the bars" that is why we have been arrested now. I asked her what is there in the design ,is it the waste paper that you've thrown? Yes, it is in the design that we have to suffer in the prison. Life is a design. Everything in the life will happen according to the design.she replied...
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