Chapter 7

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When I went back to my room, I noticed something strange. I was too sleepy and it was 12:30am when I went back to my room. I saw that those men were talking to my friend. I went inside my room, kept my sweater on top of my suitcase and noticed that my friend enjoyed talking to them and that she spoke as though she knew them for about 5-6 years. I asked my friend " why are you talking to these men?". She said I'm talking, what bothers you in anyway. She has again started her job of irritating. I asked them whom do you want to meet? There was no reply for a moment. Then , my friend replied that they came to meet you. Who are they? Why should they meet me? I asked them.
So, you don't know us...Right?They asked me. Yes,definitely. I replied. Think over again and tell that you don't know us.
They asked me. I knew that they were those men who did the accident,but I reacted as though I have never seen them before and that I don't want to get into any trouble. But, now I replied that yes,I know you all. Then why did you react as though you never know us.. They asked. I remained silent. After a minute I replied that it is not necessary for me tell you  everything. Ok , now tell us why took that boy t the hospital in-spite of us telling you not to take that guy to the hospital. They asked me. I asked them back" Are you men human beings? Don't you have any conscience within you? Didn't it prick you when you did that mistake? You people are brutes, worse than an animal. If you had taken that guy to the hospital at the time that incident had happened ,it wouldn't have been necessary for me to take action against you or fight with you guys. You never did that. You also didn't allow others to take that guy to the hospital. That is why,I had to take that guy to the hospital beyond your words. And you people have no rights to enter my room and talk to my friend." They walked out silently.The next day , when  I was searching for my friend, she was not there in the room. Then after searching everywhere, I saw my friend standing outside the hotel. I went and spoke to her. But she reacted as though she was scared on seeing something. I don't know what those guys spoke to her the previous night. Then, we went to the room and spoke for a while. At that time she told me what happened the previous night.. But, there only the real problem had started in lives.
Want to know what we spoke...
To be continued..

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