Chapter Three: Take Us To Him

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Nothing happened. 


Again, nothing. Misto struck the ground angrily with a white paw and slumped onto the floor. He had been trying for hours now to get something - anything - to happen. A flash of lighting, a spark, a bang; anything. Thankfully this part of the junk yard was always deserted so no-cat was around to see his failure. He shook his head in frustration and headed back to base. As soon as he arrived Demeter rushed up to him and hurried him into his pipe where she sat opposite him, staring at him sincerely, eyes wide with fear. 

"What's wrong?" Mistoffelees asked, a sudden pang of nervousness rising within him. Had she somehow found out he'd lost his powers? Demeter glanced quickly over her shoulder to make sure nobody was watching them before she spoke. 

"We need to find Macavity. Now. And me and Bomba are coming with you. He's got Etcetera and there's no time to waste."

Misto narrowed his eyes in confusion and his whiskers bristled slightly at the evil cat's name. 

"But-We can't go now, Admetus hasn't finished preparing the hunters to come with us."

"I don't care," the golden queen shot back. "Forget the others, Misto. We have to go now, and if they're not ready, then we can't afford to wait. I know him, Misto. I've seen what he does to cats like her. Cats who he knows won't put up a fight. She's his bait, don't you see?"

The small black and white cat shook his head, not understanding. Demi's eyes were manic and she was panting as she continued to speak.

"He doesn't want Etcetera. She's the bait. He doesn't want her, he wants me." She looked terrified, but there was no mistaking her certainty, and Misto knew she was right. "He wants me," she said again, her voice trembling. "And he's not gonna give her back 'til he gets me. Heaviside knows he'll want Bomba too..."

Mistoffelees began to shake too as he started to realise the trouble the kitten was really in. He knew Demeter was right, even if he didn't want to think about what this meant. 

"So what do we do?"

"You take me to him." She continued before the tom could interrupt. "You have to Misto. I can swap places with Etcy and-"

"No Demi! I'm not letting you throw yourself away like that!"

"Misto, it's the only way to get her back!" Demeter's eyes were wide and full of fear and determination. "And...and maybe, with your magic, you could help us both escape. I'll buy you time with him and you get Etcetera, then you could distract him and we can all get away...Yeah, I can see it now! We can do it Misto. Will you help me?"

Misto's heart sunk. Demeter needed him. Etcy needed him. No. They didn't need him, they needed his magic. But he'd let them both down. 

"Demeter, I...I can't..."

"What do you mean?"

Mistoffelees shook his head. 

"I-I just can't..."

"But why not?! You want to help her, don't you?"

"Of course but-"

"But what?! We have to find her, it might already be too late!" 

Tears began to stream down Demeter's narrow face and she turned her head away. Misto couldn't bear to see her like this, and before he could think about it he spoke. 

"Okay. We'll go tomorrow at first light."

He knew he would be useless without his magic, but Demi was right, they had no time to lose. His friend glanced at him from over her shoulder, looking scared and unsure. 

"You promise?"

"I promise."

Mistoffelees knew, whether his powers were working or not, they were going to have to face Macavity on their own. 

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