Chapter Nine: Tension

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He watched him while he slept.

Everlasting Cat, that sounded creepy. But Tugger didn't care. He found it almost impossible to take his eyes off Misto, even for a second. There wasn't a single thing he didn't love about him. Could he make it any more obvious? All he wanted was for him to notice him. Like, really notice him. He wanted to talk to him and love him and just be with him in general. He felt complete when he was with him, but always had the feeling he would never feel the same. What could he possibly do to gain his affection? Why was it so hard? He was supposed to be the cat everyone wanted. But all of a sudden, the cat that everyone wanted didn't feel wanted at all. 


They had slept amongst a pile of rubbish and discarded newspapers that was clustered at the end of a long, narrow ally. It was cold and dark and scary, but somehow they all awoke feeling more bright eyed and ready for the task ahead. As soon as Tugger opened his eyes there was a red queen standing right in front of him. He looked up at Bombalurina questioningly before stretching and getting to his paws. 

"What?" he purred, licking his leopard spotted chest fur. 

"I've made the biggest mistake," Bomba said anxiously, turning to make sure Demeter was out of earshot. She was busy grooming herself next to Mistoffelees. Plato was pacing back and forth impatiently, desperate to get going again. 

"Hurry up," he meowed bluntly. Bomba ignored him and continued. 

"I should never have brought Demi."

Tugger waited for her to elaborate but nothing else came. 

"What're you telling me for?"

Bomba rolled her dark eyes. 

"Because we're supposed to be friends? We have to take her back. This is too much for her. Will you take us back while Misto and Plato keep going?" 

"But you said you needed her for this whole thing to work. And why me anyway? I'm staying with Misto like I promised." 

"We do need her, but we'll think of something else instead. She's too fragile, Tug. She can't take this, she's breaking at the seams already. I can't just sit here and watch her fall apart like this." 

Tugger saw the desperation in his friend's eyes and couldn't ignore it. He sighed and glanced quickly over at Demeter. 

"You really think she's gonna let you do that?" he whispered softly, raising an eyebrow. "I mean, she wanted to do this more than anyone else. And if someone is going to take her back I doubt it should be me. She hates me, you know that." 

Bomba knew he was right. Demeter had set her heart on saving Etcy, and once Demeter set out to do something, she wouldn't give up until she had achieved it. And yes, of all the cats here she despised Tugger the most. She'd never trust him to take her home, no matter what anyone said. 

"Okay, maybe that's a point. Then you stay with Misto, and we'll ask Plato instead."

Although Tugger loved the idea of being alone with Misto, they both knew full well Plato would never in a million years agree to this. They'd pushed him over the line already. Even though Plato was the youngest amongst them, his authority was clear and no-one dared get in his way. It had been like this since they were young. Tugger simply raised his eyebrows skeptically. 

"I'll try and talk to her," Bomba murmured, almost to herself. Plato was watching them from a distance. He was perched delicately on top of an abandoned television set, and his tail was flicking ominously behind him. Plato had always been this way. Cold and distant and judgmental. But now, when he was nervous and on edge, he was short tempered and impatient as ever.  

"Are you done?" he hissed, not removing his stone hard glare from Bomba. 

"No, actually." the bright red queen turned to her friend. "Demi, I've been thinking, and-"

"You're not taking me home," Demeter said quietly, the determination in her voice clear. Bomba and Tugger exchanged glances. Hers a "help me out here", and his a "told you so". Plato and Mistoffelees glanced at each other briefly, both looking confused. Then Plato moved on to stare at Demeter.

"What are you talking about?" 

"They think I''m weak," Demeter spat before anyone else could try to explain. "Think I'll crumble as soon as I face him. But they're wrong." Her fur began to bristle and she rose to her feet, her back arched defensively. "You're wrong!" she hissed to Bombalurina. "Both of you are wrong!" she looked at Tugger, who shook his head and looked away, tired of the whole situation.  Bombalurina tried to explain:

"Demi, no-one said you were weak, I just think-" 

"I don't care what you think!" the scruffy tabby yelled. "Go home if you're so scared but don't even think about trying to drag me with you. Etcetera needs us. And if that isn't a good enough reason for you to keep going then you might as well go now. We need to head off as soon as possible." 

Bomba started. 

"Demeter, if anything happens to you..."

"That's not our priority. Etcy is. Plato, where from here?" 

"If we start running now we can get to the center before sun down, but we'll have to be quick," the young tom mewed, the unwelcoming tone in his voice now less obvious. Demeter nodded.

"Let's go then," Misto said timidly, his voice as quiet as ever. "Bomba, are you coming?"

Bombalurina sighed deeply before nodding. Plato raced off into the city dawn, followed closely by Tugger and Misto. Demeter chased after, and reluctantly, Bomba too. She knew there was no convincing Demter, but she was still fearful. Even though they were no where near the city center, she could feel Macavity's presence. He was watching them. 

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