the visitor (Def Leppard )

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Rick was practicing his drums, as Joe did vocal exercises, Sav was in the kitchen making dinner, Viv was napping on the couch, and Phil was writing songs upstairs in his room.

All the sudden there came scratching at the front door and a loud whining sound. "Holly crap mates what was that!!" Rick screamed dropping his drum stick.

"I don't know but it's trying to get in should we see what it is." Joe asked as he walked toward the door.

"WAIT WHAT IF ITS NOT FRIENDLY!" Rick shouted as he grabbed Joe's arm.

"YES RICK MIGHT BE A ZOMBIE!" Sav shouted from the kitchen as he walked out of the kitchen pretending to be a zombie.

"guys quite down I need my beauty sleep." Cried Viv as he turned over to face the back of the couch. "DAMN IT GUYS HOLD IT DOWN  IM TRYING TO WRITE A DAMN SONG." Phil screamed from upstairs.

"I heard the sound so I'll check it out guys." Rick said as he slowly crept to the door.

Rick opened the door looked down and saw a black and white spotted puppy looking up at Rick wagging his little tail. Rick picks it up and it licked his face.

"Aww he likes me can we keep him. Oh please oh please oh please!" Rick cried with a sad puppy on his face.

"He is cute and he needs a home." Joe said smiling as he petted the pupy.

"Let's call him Leppard cause he is spotted like a Leppard." Sav said as he let the puppy lick his face.

That's the story of how Leppard got his new home.


Let me know what you guys think.

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