Chapter 8

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*Jacobs POV*

I get home with the cat carrier and the other stuff and set the stuff down and I look inside the carrier and I'm not so sure how the dog will react, so I go into the living room and l look at Mikayla "Okay, so how is this supposed to work?" I'm not sure if the dog will attack her or not.

"Rocky!" She calls and the dog comes running in. "Okay so set the carrier on the floor and open it then see what happens, stay near her in case you need to pick her up in a hurry."

I put it on the floor and open it, hesitantly the kitten comes out slowly, Rocky see's this and cocks his head sideways then he walks over, and he licks the kitten. Yes, he licks her! Then he goes and lays back down.

"See? What did I tell you, they're perfectly fine!" She exclaims, then walks over and scoops up the small kitten, "I'm going to name you..... Mrs. Muffins!" And the kitten meows a cute little meow as if agreeing with her.

I go and set the litter boxes in the bathrooms and fill them with litter, then I put the food and water bowls by the door and fill them. Then I go back to the living room and put the cat bed, toys, and the scratching post out. God I must love this girl to get her all this stuff, oh wait I do love her.

I go into the kitchen and open my laptop, then text her to come downstairs since she's probably on her phone anyways, a few minutes later she comes downstairs with the kitten in her hands,

"Yeah?" She looks at me expectantly.

"Do you want to start planning the wedding?" I ask.

"Yes!" She says then pulls out a chair next to me and sits in it and sets Mrs. Muffins in her lap.

"Okay so let's get invitations done first so we can send them out."


Three hours later we finally have the invitations done, and they look amazing! We used a website that you can design a invitation and they will be sent to you, anyways, back to the point. They look truly amazing. They are envelope size and they are laced near the edge of the paper with red ribbon, and then the cover has words embedded in the paper, and its a gold color, and on the back it has a picture of Mikayla and I from a while ago, and the paper, is sea foam color.

Mikayla squeals as we purchase all 50 invitations. It was only 50$ so we're all good.

"They look beautiful." She says. "Why don't we call it a night and tomorrow we can figure out where we're holding it."

I look at the time and realize its already 12:30! I'm glad I don't have work tomorrow.

So we head up to bed and when I get up there I crawl on the bed and snuggle up to Mikayla and fall asleep with my hands on her small baby bump.

*Mikayla's POV*


I'm running from something. I don't know what but Its horrifying, I look around and I'm in woods. I don't know how I got here, I'm petrified, then all of a sudden the scene changes, I'm no longer in woods, but I'm in a burning building, and my baby bump is gone. I start to panic then all of a sudden I hear something, "Mikayla!" I look around, there's no body. "Mikayla!" Then I feel myself being shaken.

I wake up all sweaty "Mikayla, are you alright?" Jacob says with a concern look on his face.

"Yeah, I'm okay, it was just a nightmare. I look around and see the sun is up, then I look at the clock on my phone, it reads 11:45, so I get up and take a shower.

When I get out I throw on some yoga pants and one of Jacobs old highschool hoodies, surprisingly they all still fit him. Then I go downstairs and eat a bowl of cereal. Then Jacob comes walking in.

"Hey so, I was thinking we could have the wedding on a beach?" He asks.

The thought of this makes me squeal. I'm so happy I'm marrying him.

I'm also happy I get to have his baby, and spend the rest of my days with him.


Hey guys! Another update? Yup! But I don't know if I'll be able to update tomorrow if I do Yay! But if I don't please don't get mad. Also I'll be on younow again tomorrow night at 8:30! I'll be on until 9:30 maybe 10 then I'll answer any questions, and maybe spoil some things I have planned, but you have to watch to see! Thanks for reading!


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