Chapter Two: Diagon Alley

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Hope Dumbledore awoke with a start. As she sat in her four poster bed she tried to remember the dream she'd just been having. She remembered that Professor Snape had been there... And there had been a beautiful pink nursery.

With the rest of the details fading from her memory Hope gave up and climbed out of her bed. She sat down in front of the mirror on her desk and stared at her own reflection. Her long curly black hair was cascading down her shoulders as it usually did her piercing blue eyes were drooping slightly due to the fact that she'd just woken up. 

She pulled on her robes and did her best to fit her long curly hair into a bun. A few strands fell out, as they usually did, framing her face rather nicely. After she'd finished getting ready she descended down the stairs out of her bedroom and towards her fathers office. 

Hope, lived in a secret bedroom off of the Headmasters office, the room itself was invisible from outside of the castle and the only way in was through a hidden passage, behind bookcase in the Headmasters office. She'd lived in this private bedroom at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry for as long as she could remember. 

But in only a few weeks time Hope would be moving out of the secret bedroom and into her new House dormitory. For this year she would finally be old enough to become a proper student at the school. Because she'd grown up in the school Hope new her way around the castle almost perfectly, however she could never claim to know all of Hogwarts secrets. She was constantly discovering new rooms and passageways that she'd never seen before and some of the rooms she could never find again. 

As she made it to the bottom of the stairs, she stepped out of the hidden passageway and the bookshelf slid magically into place behind her, leaving no indication that any kind of room was hidden behind it. 

Her fathers study was always interesting to look at. In the middle of the room sat a large oak desk, which her father was currently sitting at. Surrounding that were tables filled with wonderous artifacts and trinkets that her father had collected. The room itself was circular and on the walls the room were moving portraits of all the previous headmaster and mistresses of the school. 

Hopes father looked up as she walked in. He was surrounded by books and pieces of parchment and ink pots, as he usually was during the weeks leading up to the school year. 

"Morning, my dear", he greeted, giving her a smile. 

"Morning, father", she replied, returning his smile. Hope crossed the room and made her way over to a birds nest that sat on top of a small perch. Inside of the nest rested Fawkes, her fathers pet Phoenix. 

"Some post arrived for you this morning", her father told her, nodding his head to the corner of his desk where a few letters were sitting. She picked up the letters and rifled through them. There were letters from the minister for magic for her father, the daily profit, a letter from a students parent to her father. Finally she came across what she was looking for, a letter addressed directly to her, written in green ink. 

Hope Evangeline Dumbledore
Hidden bedroom 
Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Hope felt as though her stomach was doing summersaults of joy inside her. She'd finally received her Hogwarts acceptance letter. It was absolutely official that she would be going to school this year. 

She turned the letter over in her hands and saw that the letter had been sealed shut with a purple wax seal that had the Hogwarts crest on it. A letter H surrounded by four animals, a badger, a lion, an egal, and a snake. As carefully as she could she opened the letter and looked inside it. There were two letters sealed inside the envelope, one would contain her list of needed school supplies, while the other would contain her acceptance letter. She pulled out the letter and read: 

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