Chapter Twelve: The Norwegian Ridgeback

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However, the Stone appeared to be safe over the next few weeks. Despite the fact that Quirrell was growing steadily paler he didn't look as though he'd cracked just yet. Snapes ever increasing bad mood was further confirmation on their theory he'd not yet got his hands on the Stone. Every time they passed the third floor corridor they would check to see if Fluffy was still growling. 

Now that there were only ten weeks left of school Hermione seemed to have other things on her mind. With exams at the end of the year she'd drawn up study time tables and started color coding her notes. Their exams at the end of the first year were important. If you scored poorly enough you weren't invited back to Hogwarts the following year. 

"Hermione, the exams are ages away", Ron grumbled, after Hermione had nagged him about writing up his own study time table. 

"Ten weeks", Hermione snapped, "that's not ages, that's like a second to Nicolas Flamel." 

"But we're not six hundred years old", Ron reminded her, "anyway, what are you studying for, you already know it's an A." 

"Ron's right Hermione", Hope assured her, "you know you're the smartest person, in our year by far." 

"Maybe... But no, we need to pass these exams to get into our second year. They're very important, I should have started studying months ago, I don't know what's gotten into me..." 

Hope too was worried about the exams. She couldn't even imagen the embarrassment of failing in her first year and no longer attending Hogwarts. The teachers had been giving them so much homework recently, it was hard to find a spare moment. They spent most of their easter holidays in the library trying to study and complete their homework. 

It was a really bright and sunny day, the first really warm day they'd had in a long time. And, instead of going outside to enjoy in, Hermione had insisted that they continue studying in the library. Hope and Hermione were practicing their basic jinxes and their counters together in the corner. Hermione had once again managed to perform a successful stinging jinx on Hopes forearm. A large red welt appeared like a scorch mark. 

"I'll never remember this", Ron burst out from beside them, throwing down him quill, just as Hope performed the counter jinx on herself. 

"Hagrid?", said Hope, the giant had just walked into the library, he was clearly hiding something behind his back, "what are you doing here?" 

"Jus' lookin'" he said, "an' what're you lot up ter? Yer not still lookin' fer Nicolas Flamel are yeh?" 

"Oh, we found out who he is ages ago", Ron said casually, "and we know what that dogs guarding, it a -" 

"Shhhh!", Hagrid looked horrified, "don' go shoutin' about it, what's the matter with yeh?" 

"There are a few things we wanted to ask you, as a matter of fact", Harry said, "about what's guarding the stone apart from Fluffy -" 

"Shhhhh!", Hagrid said again, "listen - come an' see me later, I'm not promisin' I'll tell yeh anythin', mind, but don' go rabbitin' about it in here, students aren' s'pposed ter know. They'll think I told yeh." 

"We'll come down after lunch", Hope agreed. She was eager to know more about what was guarding the stone. 

"What was he hiding behind his back?", Hermione wondered aloud, once Hagrid had left. 

"Do you think it's got something to do with the Stone?", Hope asked. 

"I'm going to go see what section he was in", Ron said. A minute later he returned with pile of books in his arms, "Dragons! Hagrid was looking up stuff about Dragons!" 

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