Chapter Fourteen: Cursed Blood

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Hope told her friends about her recently discovered relatives at breakfast the next morning. They were horrified to discover that Malfoy was actually her cousin. 

"It's good your aunt didn't tell you", Ron was saying, "you could have ended up just like him." 

"That wasn't her choice to make", Hermione replied, "Hope, obviously had a right to know." 

"I don't know what I'd do if I was related to Malfoy", said Ron, "I'd probably throw myself in the lake, or something, let the squid get me." 

"So I should throw myself in the lake?" 

"No! erm - I just meant -" 

"It doesn't matter", she sighed. 

"So Malfoy doesn't even know either?", Hermione asked. 

"My father, doesn't think so", she replied, "but he might know, and just not care." 

"Are you going to ask him?" Harry asked. 

"I'm not sure", she poked at her eggs with her fork, "even if I wanted him to know. What would I say?" 

She was interrupted by the morning mail, she Harry and Hermione all received identical notes.

Your detention will take place at eleven o'clock tonight

Please meet Mr. Filch in the entrance hall. 

Professor McGonagall

Hope sighed. She would now have to spend her night with Malfoy serving a detention, she just hoped she could avoid him. 

At eleven o'clock the three of them made their way down to the entrance hall, where Filch, Neville and Malfoy were already waiting. 

"Follow me", said Filch. He lead them outside sneering at them the entire walk. Hope could barely hear him however, her ears were ringing. Was it just her imagination, or was Malfoy looking at her differently? It was pitch black outside, the only thing lighting their path was Filches lantern. 

"Is that you, Filch? Hurry up, I want ter get started", It was Hagrid. Hope felt relief flood through her chest. If Hagrid was the one giving them detention then their night might even be fun. 

"I suppose you think you'll be enjoying yourself with that oaf? Well, think again, boy - it's into the forest you're going and I'm much mistaken if you'll all come out in one piece." 

"The forest?", said Malfoy, his voice filled with concern, "we can't go in there at night - there's all sorts of things in there - werewolves, I heard." 

"That's your problem, isn't it?", Filch sounded like he couldn't be enjoying Malfoys fear, more, "should've thought of them werewolves before you got into trouble, shouldn't you?" 

"Abou' time", Hagrid said, as they walked down to him, "I bin waitin' fer half an hour already. You lot all right?" 

"I shouldn't be too friendly to them Hagrid", Filch scolded, "they're here to be punished, after all."

"That's why yer late, is it?", Hagrid frowned at Filch, "bin lecturin' them, eh? 'Snot your place ter do that. Yeh've done yet bit, I'll take over from here." 

"I'll be back at dawn... For what's left of them", Filch said coldly. He then turned and started back up towards the castle. 

"I'm not going into that forest", Malfoy said, sounding rather scared. 

"Yeh are if yeh want ter stay at Hogwarts", Hagrid replied fiercely, "yeh've done wrong and now yer got ter pay for it." 

"If my father knew I was doing this he'd -" 

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