Chapter Eighteen: The End of Year Feast

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By the time Hope woke up the next day story's about what had happened that night were circulating around the school. Ron and Harry were both still asleep when Madam Pomfrey discharged her. When she arrived in the Gryffindor Common room, she found Hermione who was once again re-telling the story to a large group of people.

When she walked in everyone begged her to say what happened after Hermione had left. She sat down beside Hermione and told them everything. How Quirrell had been the one trying to get the Stone, and that she and Harry had managed to fight him off long enough for Dumbledore to show up. She didn't mention how she had discovered she was a Sired or the fact that Quirrell was now dead.

It was very difficult to tell such an exciting story to such a large group of people. Some of them would keep asking her to repeat parts or start talking to one another over the top of her. Eventually she found that she'd told the entire story three times over. In the end Hermione was able to drag her away and they ran up to the dormitory.

"I was so worried when you didn't come back last night", Hermione told her, giving her a hug.

"I'm alright", Hope said, "honestly, it's Ron and Harry we should be worried about. What happened after we left?"

"Well I was able to wake Ron up", Hermione said, "I did some basic healing spells on him, but I haven't practiced much and I didn't want to make it worse. Then I sort of carried Ron out of the chamber and we were halfway to the Owlery when we ran into Dumbledore, he already knew - he just said 'Hope and Harry have gone after him, haven't they?' and then he ran off to the third floor. So I brought Ron to the hospital wing and Madam Pomfrey took care of him from there."

Hermione continued, "anyway we have more important things to discuss. Our exam results are back. McGonagall gave me yours to give to you - I've got them here - give me a minute."

She rummaged in her backpack and pulled out an envelope with Hopes name written in cursive on the front. Considering what she'd been through recently, feeling nervous about an exam paper felt awfully silly. She pulled open the envelope, very conscious of Hermione peering over her shoulder.

To her relief she saw that she'd actually done fairly well in all of her exams. She'd managed to pass History of magic (though only barely) and she managed to get nearly perfect scores in both Transfiguration and Charms.

"Well done", said Hermione, "you did great."

"What were yours like?", Hope asked.

"They were really good, I managed to get one hundred and twelve percent in charms."

Hope laughed and they made their way back down stairs. The common room was almost empty now, as most of them had gone outside to enjoy their last week of school.

Ron had come out of the Hospital wing later that day but Harry had remained unconscious for the next three. They spent most of their time discussing what had happened. Ron had been exceedingly eager to hear what had happened after the chess match. Has was shocked to find out that it had been Quirrell all along, and he shivered every time she mentioned Voldemort's face on the back of Quirrell's head.

"He was probably in our classes", Ron said, "listening to us as we tried to learn spells. How freaky is that?!"

One thing Hope had been enjoying, was listening to the altered versions of the story, that had begun to spread around the school. They were just sitting out by the lake underneath a tree when an owl flew down to them and landed infront of them, a letter trapped in its beak. Feeling rather confused, Hope took the letter out of its beak and opened it, Hermione and Ron peering over her shoulder.

He's awake, and I'm sure he'd love some company.

The three of them jumped up, eagerly, and ran towards the hospital wing. When they arrived they found Harry, wide awake sitting up on his bed. There was a huge pile of sweets on his bedside table, she even spotted a toilet seat, no doubt from the Weasley twins.

Gryffindor Princess and The Philosophers Stone (Harry Potter Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora