►chapter four ♣ ruof retpahc◄

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An hour or so later, the car pulled up to a very large, castle like building. It's walls were made of brownstone that shined under the bright sunlight. It's tinted, colored windows revealed nothing on the other side. A green patch of grass covered the whole front of the school. Her nerves were at her throat.

The driver opened her door and stepped back, allowing her to push through. She took his outstretched hand and thanked him with a smile. As she eyed the doors to the school she felt someone watching her. Faith turned her head with furrowed brows looking for the source of her feelings but found nothing. She shook her head and started walking through the big red doors.

Their red color and massive size almost brought a smile to her face as she remembered her doors back home to the mansion but she suppressed it. The inside was a tall and long hallway, splitting into three. Two staircases were built into the walls, winding themselves up into a second floor. What surprised her was there weren't any students in the hallways.

The only person was a woman with a smile plastered on her face. She wore a grey pencil skirt with a white ruffled shirt. Her hair was pinned up professionally and her hands were holding each other in front of her. Once she saw Faith, she took a step towards her, her smile widening.

"Hello, you must be Faith Hellior. I'm Headmistress Jones and I'd like to welcome you to our school. Please come with me." She turned and started walking, knowing Faith was following her.

"Um, where are the other students?" She asked, revealing her sweet voice.

    "Today there's an assembly so they're all in the auditorium. You will join them today, but you need to change out of your clothes. We have a uniform set in place and you'll be required to wear it. All your things have been taken to your room which you share with another student. Your uniforms are on your bed and when the assembly is finished you can come back and unpack. Welcome to Boston Academy, we hope to teach you as much as possible." She finished her intro as soon as we reached the room door and pulled out a silver key on a chain.

    The hallways were very old fashioned and had doors on both sides with numbered plaques. The doors themselves were an old dark oak wood with carved patterns in them.

    Faith thanked Headmistress Jones and pushed through her door with the key and walked into her new bedroom.

    There were two beds on either side of the large room. It had a large window on the farthest wall with a little seating area. She knew she'd read there a lot. Two desks were placed against the wall between the beds and on either side of the window. A bathroom connected with the closet which was separated into two spaces for both residents of the room.

    Half of the room was already taken, with light blue sheets on the bed and books stacked on the desk beside it. Half the closet was already taken with pastel colored clothes and the bathroom was already over run with hair products and makeup.

    A grey and red uniform sat on her bed with a map of the school and her schedule beside it. She glimpsed at them and memorized them, thanking her father for her photographic memory.

    She put on the uniform and looked in the mirror. She wore a skirt reaching mid thigh with a grey and red pattern, revealing her long, slender legs. She wore a grey blazer with a red tie and a white shirt underneath it. Her white socks reached up over her knees and her heels were replaced with black sneakers. Faith didn't mind the uniform, she looked like an innocent school girl, it worked with the image she wanted.

    Once she was ready, she left the room and made her way to the auditorium. The large school would have easily been a maze for anyone else. It's hallways looked almost identical save for the plaques naming them. The auditorium, for example, was in the West Wing, following the Huston hallway.

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