Chapter 5

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5 days later

Today is Edward's party. That's the first thing that comes up in my mind when I wake up.

It's also near Halloween. I love Halloween because it is creepy and I get to wear weird clothes.

I look at the clock it's pointing 7 o'clock. Snuggle one more time in to Cody's fur then walk to the bathroom.

After taking a shower I go to my walk in closet and grab my blue sweat shirt and black jeans. Then I put on my black converse, grab my bag and phone and walk downstair with Cody.

"What's for breakfast, Susan?" I ask our housekeeper.

"We have bread, hams and sausages, miss Beth." She said as she hands me the food. I said thanks and began eating.

A short moment later Vens came and sits next to me. Susan hands her the plate and two glass of milk in front of us and I drink it.

"I have a date this Saturday night." I choke at the words she said. Growing up with her my whole life I never see her dating anyone. This is the first.

"Really? Who?" I asked desperately wanting to what special about him. Maybe he has Einstein's brain. I know she has a picky taste of man.

"It's Xander." She said and smile dreamily and eat her food.

"Who the hell is he?" I said look at my watch.

"Oh no tell me tonight I gotta go. " I said and kiss Cody goodbye and run out the door to my car.

Crap I'm the last one to arrived again. I park and get out of the car quickly and we walk to our first class. Today I have no class with any of my friends.

The class end quickly and I walk to the lunch room. Edward catch up with me.

"Can you still make it this evening? " He asked.

"Yeah I can don't worry." I said and giggle.

"I'll walk you to the lunch room." He said and hold my hand. I start blushing and my eyes turn shade purple. Oh lord why does my heart wanted to jump out of my chest.

When we reach lunch room we go get our food and he still holding my hand. I get two slice of pizza and a bottle of water. And he has a burger along with a bottle of water as well. Then we separate to our own table.

"Are you in a relationship or something?" Damien asked.

"What?! No." I said and began eating.

"Then why are you with Edward?" Nat asked.

"He just asked me if he can walk me here?"

"And you let him." Pany said.

"Duh why wouldn't I"

"Yeah why wouldn't she. Edward is so dreamy." Nila said then someone kick her under the table. Maybe Nat because she look at Nila and look at Noah who's eating quietly.

Lunch time ended, I have Math with Nila, Pany and Noah and Edward too. We walk to the class together but don't include Edward because he's with his squad.

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