It's Time

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At that one name, the entire big house turned to chaos. Each cabin leader erupted into outraged, unbelieving shouts echoing in the room, the Hermes Cabin leader even started crying. 

"YOU'RE LYING TO US," Clarisse yelled in outrage

Lucian rolled his eyes before shouting "SILENCE"

Everybody shut their mouths immediately, Lucian nodded approvingly.

"Now, I know this may all be very difficult to comprehend right now, but I have been told by Chaos himself, and your Gods have known for nearly the same amount of time Lord Chaos as"

"Oh Lucian, you truly do flatter me. 'Lord Chaos' How nice of you!"

"Oh my gods Chaos why do you do this"

All heads turned to the gods, some of which seemed very busy looking out the window.

Finally, after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, Zeus scoffed "It was our decision to make, on when to tell them, they were just not ready for this challenge"

Lucian raised an eyebrow "And how were they supposed to get ready for this 'challenge' if they did not know there even was one?" He placed his hands on his hips.

Zeus was silent for a few moments, occasionally opening his mouth as though to say something before snapping it shut again.

However, just as he seemed as though he was actually about to say something, a loud, long scream of agony and many panicked yells filled the outside air, piercing the silence that had hung in the air like a veil. Everybody in the Big House started before immediately racing out.

The screams were still continuing, although less loud and more of a space between. When the group of demigods got out of the Big House, they met with the ghastly smell of smoke and burning flesh. They stared in absolute horror for a few seconds at a young-ish camper (14? 15?) as they twirled around, batting at the fire that was consuming their entire body. Harsh, agonising screams tore through their throat as they were being burned alive, the other campers were either trying to fend off a beast that nobody cared to identify at the moment or just staring in shock, unable to think of something to do in the panic.

As soon as the campers managed to kill the beast, the burning camper fell, the flames slowly dying. However, seeing the aftermath made everyone at camp wished it hadn't. The young teenagers body was charred, any parts that weren't practically coal in colour were bloody red, the skin bubbling and popping, sending bloody spurts into the air from the heat. The camper's hair was mostly gone, the scalp completely shrivelled, their eyes were wide, glassy, vacant. Their mouth still open, having died mid scream.

Lucian opened his mouth before closing it again, like a fish.

How could this have happened already? I didn't think it would be this bad, didn't think it would be time already. This is so much worse than I thought.

Lucian broke out of his stupor, triggering everyone else into doing the same. He stepped forward, kneeling beside the young camper's corpse. Slowly, gently, as though the body would dissolve with the smallest touch, he lay a shaky hand on what little hair was left on the camper's head.

The wind swayed the branches of the trees surrounding gently, the grass rustled, seeming to change shades. The sky was a light, almost pastel blue, white clouds slowly drifted across it. Birds sang cheerfully in the woods, not a care in the world.

The peaceful atmosphere was nothing but a mockery to what had just occurred.

It didn't help the awful churning in anybody's stomach.

Letting out a shaky breath, Lucian gently closed the camper's eyes as well as mouth "What happened?" He didn't bother looking up.

"A monster it-it got through the barrier. It just lunged a-and it just...shattered. Like glass. We-we got it but it was too late," A camper spoke up, gold dust on their clothes.

He looked up, towards where the Gods had been standing. Keyword: Had. They were now nowhere in sight.

'Cowards' Lucian thought bitterly 'Although, I can't say I'm all that surprised. Solving their own problems themselves never really was their thing.'

Shaking his head lightly, Lucian instead turned his attention to the other Angels, they were all standing side by side, closest to him. Their hands were stiff by their sides, their backs straight, what you could see of their faces completely stoic.

He gave them a slight nod of his head and they walked forward until they were standing right behind him. Taking a breath, he stood and composed himself, reverting back to being completely Lucian.

He let his old self slip back for a second there. He couldn't afford that happening, Percy Jackson wasn't who he was anymore.

Percy Jackson felt empathy. Percy Jackson felt the need to protect every person he met. Lucian did not feel empathy. Lucian protected those who were worth protecting. Most importantly, Lucian was still alive. Percy Jackson was dead.

Sighing, he closed his eyes for a moment before looking to Chiron, opening his mouth and saying the words he dreaded saying before he could regret them.

"It's time,"


Hey, it's Jay. So sorry this took so long to publish, I've been really busy with school and time wise I have had none to spare to write. I've been coming back to writing it every now and then so hopefully it's up to standard. In my opinion, I couldn't seem to get it to flow right and the more I tried to fix it, the worse it seemed to get. Sorry this is so short but when so many people pressure me to update it pressures me and leaves me less motivated to write longer chapters :)
Published: 05:43 pm Monday 17th October 2016
Word Count: 980

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