4: A strong heart

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     She had avoided Z all day and watched him from a distance. She wasn't afraid to talk to him, she wanted to speak to him about his day, his life, what he liked. She just didn't want to talk to him about his flaws, because she wanted to tell him that he was perfect.

     Since she visited her best friend's apartment she started analyzing how fast she was falling for Z. It had been about a month since the first day of school and she already had intense feelings for him. She refused to imagine them married with children like some love sick twilight fan. She was going to hope that he would stop fooling around with M and that they could have a solid, healthy relationship. She would keep her expectations at a reasonable level.

     After English M pulled her aside in the hallway and lead her to the place were they usually hung out.

     "I wanted to tell you this before you spoke to Z. I remembered right after I introduced you to him." M said. "Z has a girlfriend. The two of them have a long-distance thing going."

     "Yeah that's kind of important don't you think?" she snapped.

     " Yeah I know it's just I kind of forgot, because we've been doing this for some time now" M mumbled ashamed.

     " M did you sleep with him? she gulped eyes wide with worry and impending dread.

     " A few times. Two days ago was the last time. "I'm really sorry and I know you like him. Two days ago I didn't intend to sleep with him but it just happened. I honestly went over his house to tell him that I didn't want to be friends-with-benefits anymore." M explained with a look of shamefulness. She wanted to cry, she wanted be mad at M, she wanted to yell and scream at both of them.

     "Is it over? are you two done fooling around?" she asked frustrated.

      "Apparently so, he hasn't spoke to me since then. He won't so much as look at me since that happened." M remarked frustrated. She couldn't be angry at M, after all Z was charming and some how the blame and anger just disappeared. I wasn't like her to stay mad at a friend or anyone for any period of time. She forgave M because she didn't really have a say in who Z slept with. It wasn't like she was cheating on her with M, they weren't even together. Z did however have a girlfriend that was never around to keep him away from other girls and that was her fault. It was still a major concern though, if they were going to be together he had to stop wondering around to other girls.

     She went home without seeing or talking Z once. She was a bit annoyed and disguised by Z and his habits but the first time they spoke kept playing in her head. It's not that his habits were okay or that she didn't care that it would effect them if they got together. She had no power or effect over him why would she? he never said that he liked her. What Z said when they met could mean anything; right? She doubted the last question in her mind. The truth is she didn't know how Z felt about her.

      The next day Z found her at break time and they spoke about classes and joked about some of the teachers. He started telling her about one of his teachers. He told her that his name was Dr. P and how this teacher was afraid of glitter and snakes. We joked around talking about putting a glittery toy snake in one of his desk drawers. They laughed and smiled together, at that moment she forgot that this was the boy who had a girlfriend and was cheating with M. She saw a boy whom she could see herself being close friends with and possibly date in the future.

     When Monday rolled around she was so happy to have the chance to see Z again. She daydreamed what they would talk about today. She thought about M and how she must feel being shut out by Z. She felt sad for her, she wanted to cheer M up somehow. Maybe take her mind off him for a few hours but she didn't have that much with M at school. Then she got an idea.

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