5: Not for science, for friendship

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     She got off the bus with her best friend and glanced around for Z. Her best friend was talking about their first choir concert of their freshman year. The both of them were excited but she was a little detracted looking around the courtyard for Z with no sign of him. He must not be coming to school today, which was perfect for cheering up M.

     She left her best friend for a few minutes to go find M. Her plan to bring into the fold that was her group of closest friends. Her and her best friend were always so weird and quirky together it would surly keep M's spirits up. She found M with a group of Z's friends, M introduced her to the group, then she introduced M to her best friend. The three of them started talking about the crazy thing we'd done in life. She told them that she once ate the ultimate sandwich; made of three different lunch meats, four different types of cheese, with lettuce, tomato, onion, mustard and mayonnaise at a family reunion. The three of them formed a bond that morning as good friends and that was exactly what she'd hoped for.

     Her day was great and it was in some ways better than yesterday when she was talking to Z. Nothing was distracting her from class or from her friends. It was nice to not think about what to do with Z and to not deal with her feelings.

     During break M bought some French fries and shared with them. She absolutely loved the smell of French fries, it always made her hungry and so happy when they were crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. The three of them stuck the fries in their mouth's like walruses, started making seal noises and clapped their hands. She nearly choked on a piece French fry from laughing so hard.

     Her English class played Pictionary with the vocabulary words today. Her Team won eight to four and her new class wide nicknames was "secret weapon". Her longest streak of words was four pictures in under a minute. M and her made a competition of who could get the longest streak and she won, of course.

     Chorus class had always been her favorite class both in middle and it looked like it would stay that way throughout high school. The school's choir department was doing a talent show. Anyone in choir could perform and they could sing whatever they wanted, as long as it was school appropriate. She and her best friend were going to do a song together they didn't know what song yet though.

     Her best friend, M and herself ate lunch together. None of them liked the school's food very much but It was food and all of them were hungry. M got pizza, her best friend got a hamburger and she got a chicken wrap. Other than what they got and salad there wasn't many other options  for entrees. She hated public school food ever since the first grade. She hated how greasy and fake the cheese was , how meat was undistinguishable and the lack of variety in vegetables.

     A girl from her biology honors class saw her and came over to sit with them. She called her K and the two of them were lab partners. The four of them chatted until it was time to get on the bus and it turns out that K was just as weird as the rest of them.

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