13: Young and naïve

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     Her friends and herself had been working on gaining the new girls trust and it was going well. Her name was L and they were in the same chorus class. L was a beautiful singer and had a confident, bright, artistic personality. L was like her in some ways, they both had brown hair, fair skin, loved to sing, draw, they were both the quite type and they both loved cats. Despite all their similarities they were more different than alike. L was more outgoing and confident than she ever was. She would rather read a book than go a party but L was the opposite she loved going out and having a good time. Their eyes were different as well L's eyes were brown while her eyes were still identical to Z's.

     The only difference was between Z's and her eyes was that hers were more Navy blue with a slight green shade on the inner ring. Z's eyes were navy blue too but the inner ring was more gold than green. It drove her crazy to have the same eyes as him! that boy that hurt her so much everyday!

     When she wasn't around him see was angry. She could feel it slowly boil her insides and heat her blood. Her friends were helping her eat but sometimes the anger would tighten and twist her stomach. She rode the bus with white knuckles at the thought of seeing him. He was always with L and they either hugging, laughing, kissing and just being happy. Watching them made the anger subside but her stomach would lurch. The anger was replaced with the memories of when Z was charming and kind to her. Now she felt unwanted and alone watching them and it was like Z was taunting her.

     One day the anger didn't subside when she saw them together, she didn't really know why but she was tired of the games. Her friends were walking her to chorus and she saw them together L had just left and he came up and said hi like nothing was wrong. The anger had pushed its way out of her. Even if he wasn't still playing mind games with her he still deserved this. She slapped him three times across the face. It went palm, backhand then palm as hard as her wrist would allow. She left pink marks on his face.

     "The first one was for M, the second one was for me and the last one is for L. You sick bastard!" she growled at Z. He didn't respond he just walked away but before she could walk out of ear shot he shouted:

     "You know you still love me!"

     Hearing him say that was like being stabbed in the chest with a machete. Did she love him? Did she ever love him? Could she ever love him?  she didn't want to know the answers but she kept thinking about it. She really never knew much about Z only the fact that he was a total ass and a player. All the time they spent together was that all a lie? was any of it real? was any of it really truly him? Did she really fall in love with someone she didn't know? It was crazy how one sentence could cause her to rethink everything.

     There was a part of her that still liked Z. She kept that part in the darkest cage at the back of her mind where it belonged. There were parts of her that wanted be selfish and rip his new relationship into shreds with no mercy and continue to find ways to torture Z the way he did to her. The biggest and most genuine part of her wanted to tell L what had happened to herself and M. That part wanted to spare her the pain and sorrow of Z breaking her heart and toying with the remains.

     Later that day she did tell L her story. L gave her a look of pity and sorry but she could tell that... L didn't believe her. L didn't believe that it happen the way that she described it. She didn't get mad, if anything she was sad but she didn't give up.

     It turns out that L had spoken to Z about what she had said. She saw to two arguing and Z walked away a little pissed off. During chorus L showed her a note that Z wrote. It sounded genuine but that was just how L was reading it. It was about how L was different from the other girls he dated and that he would be devastated if she left him. It also mentioned that he broke up with his previous girlfriend to be with L. Reading the letter hurt her confidence, he was still playing this game. That's why he gave it to her before chorus because he knew that they had that class together.

     The next day she had M bring all the letters that Z had wrote to M. After looking at them all every single one said the same thing in different words. Some sentences were exactly the same word for word. M had three of these letters and she said his ex-girlfriend had more that sounded just like them.

     I don't know what L was thinking when she saw the letters but she was not happy with us. She accused M of forging them, she didn't seem too mad on the outside but she could tell by the tone of L's voice and body language that we had pissed her off. It was time to back off and see what L would with the information.

XY and ZOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora