thirty five ✎ university of london & farewell

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+ harry

"The pants are too loose!" Louis yelled, scrunching up one side of his waistband. "Why, why am I so stupid?!" He exhaled loudly and looked up.

"Louis, calm down everything will be fine. You can get the pants fixed?" I giggled, as Louis had been stressing out for the past thirty minutes straight.

"Yes, but I'd like them to fit now," Louis turned around and frowned at me. He walked back into the change room, and changed out of his 'wedding pants' as he liked to call them, and came out in his regular skin tight jeans once again.

"Let's go," Louis said, walking to the cash where he had a long conversation with her about his pants.

When he had finished his little rant, he walked out to his car and I followed behind him. 

"Louis, don't worry your day will be perfect," I assured him. "I was always jealous of you and Liam's romance,"

"That is until you met Zayn, isn't it?" Louis rolled his eyes and started the car once we were fascined in.

I blushed a little and Louis immediately noticed.

"You're so in love. I'm jealous of your love with Zayn," Louis said quietly and began driving. "I mean look at you!" He raised his voice again. "You blush everytime you hear his name!"

My cheeks flushed pink again. "I can't help it, can I Louis?"

"I'm just saying," Louis started. "And I don't think I'm the only one who notices it,"

I rolled my eyes. "No one else pays attention to details like you Louis,"

"Zayn does," Louis told me with a slight smirk across his lips.

I ignored Louis and turned the radio up.

Louis dropped me off at my apartment complex and before he left he opened the car window. "Zayn was teaching me a little French, you know?"

I exhaled. "What'd he teach you this time?"

"Harry, vous devez sauter dans les pantalons de Zayn," Louis said with a loud laughter.

It took me a minute to get that, and even though Louis' French was rough, I understood the gist of what Louis was trying to say loud and clear.

I let out a little laugh, and walked into the apartment complex. I went up the elevator, and to my room. The first thing I saw when I had opened the door was Zayn.

"Hi Zayn," I smiled, pulling my shoes off and closing the door. I walked over to the couch where Zayn was sat and pressed a kiss against his lips. "Sorry, Louis was taking forever,"

"It's quite alright, my love." Zayn said with a soft smile.

"What's that?" I asked, noticing a letter in Zayn's hand.

Zayn's smile widened as he handed me the letter. "I was offered a job at the University of London,"

I gasped, and read the letter. "Oh my gosh Zayn,"

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