Entry 3

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You were the first person I told when I was asked to be a manager. I trusted you enough to tell you. The first person. I told you before my friends and family. I just knew you were someone I could trust.
I don't know really when I started to have feeling for you. Yea I thought you were attractive when I first met you but I didn't have feelings. I just remember one day not being able to stop thinking or talking about you. I couldn't wait to see you when I went into work and hear you greet me. Everyday it never failed. It made me feel like someone was actually excited and cared I was there.

*just about every day I'd walk in and he smile real big and asked how my day was going or how I've been. I think that's what made me start to have feelings for him. To be honest I never really had a guy ask me that. The other guys I work with are jerks really and never asked so I guess him being nice and caring..

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