Entry 9

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Now I just hope that if I do run into later on in life, you'll see me and wish you didn't say adorable. Cause I'll show you just how adorable I can get.
-at work today I was told you'd talk about me to Juwan. How can you act like a friend to me one second and then turn around and talk crap. I can honestly say I've never did that to you. I thought you weren't that type of person to talk crap behind someone's back. I really thought you were better than that.

*i don't normally care for rumors but with this I cared a lot. Ashley was talking to Juwan about Curtis leaving and I don't know how I was brought up but Juwan told Ashley that he never liked me. He'd always talk trash about me. So if anyone tells you that of course you're gonna be upset. I was so destroyed after being told this. Like he's not that type of person at all. Of course I didn't want to believe it but Juwan isn't a liar. He's not the kind of person who lies. So I believe it.

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