Enrty 20

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-I messaged you the other day on fb.
I started a closer thing and basically tried getting final answers about past things I've had with guys and I finally got to you. I really just wanted to see how you were doing. Cause as far as you know we're still friends. You don't know all this back and forth I've had. So we casually talked and I already noticed. You don't care about other or me. I gave several chance to ask about me but instead you turned it into you. I didn't think you were so full of yourself like that. But that's all you'd talk about. And again how many brain cells do you have left? I asked you when your album was dropping and you said due date is fall. And I ask what date and you said fall. Fall is a season not a date. Saying fall means it could be released early September or late October. That's not a date it's a season!!!!

**** this is the current post. I don't know if I'll continue to write this. I think I'm pretty well over it. I was thinking though to share this on tumblr and follow him on tumblr. Hoping he'll be like oh hey Brittany and creep on my page only to find this link and go read it and just realize the crap I've gone through. That's what I hate a guy can make us girls feel so low and worthless and they don't have a clue they're dong it. Maybe we're overly sensitive but again it's because of you assholes!!!

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