Entry 8

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And what'd you say... That's adorable.
I will now forever hate that word. What's adorable. Adorable is your little sister liking your friend. That's adorable. What's adorable about me feeling something for you? I know that your still in love with your ex. I can tell. And I know you're passionate about your music. I would be too. But adorable. You can't tell me you didn't have moments and thought she's actually really cool I could so see me being with someone like her or being great friends with her. You can't. We connected too well. Or at least to me we did.   

** I followed him out the back door. As soon as he walked out and was closing the door I stopped it and opened it back up. I told him I had to tell him something and I didn't know if it was gonna change anything but I have to say it. He looked at me weird and I told him. I'm kind of crushing on you.. And what does he do
He laughs and says that's adorable.....

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