Entry 12

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Trav cleared up a lot for me today. He was able to explain things to me that I wish you would of said. So you didn't not like me. You just didn't like some of the things I did as manager. Which is okay. But just cause you've been a manager at other places you work doesn't mean you could manager pc. You said after the second week the power got to my head. Fuck you! I was still new and wanted to show I can handle the manager position. And if I wasn't hard on you guys nothing would get done And it would piss me off when shit didn't get done. Cause I didn't want Lisa or Jason bitching at me. I wanted to show that I can bring authority and get stuff done. Sorry if having to be hard came with it.

*this really annoyed me. I didn't think I changed when I got manager. Trust me. I wanted to be tough I wanted to yell at all of them. But I didn't cause I didn't want them to think that. And they did. I asked around, to see if anyone else felt that the power got to me. They all agreed but then said I came back. I don't want to be a bitch to them cause I worked part time with some of them and now they look to me as manager. I didn't want them to feel like I'm a different person cause of my position.

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