3: A fight!?

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As soon as the last bell rung I darted out of the school, well at least tried. Nadia kept flirting with me and offered to hook up. Even though she is hot and the same race as me, she is mad annoying and too easy. I like the type of girls that make it a challenge and right now I had my eyes on that Kiyah chick.

When I got to the parking lot I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a familiar voice. A voice that was hard to forget. Rage instantly ran through my body and all I could see is red. I slammed his body against the car next to me which caused a few people to gives us stares.

"¿Qué están haciendo aquí Vince!?" (What are you doing here Vince!?)

"Long time no see, Luis." Vince gave me a smirk that I wanted to punch off his face.

"Answer the damn question." I still had him against the car and I was 3.2 seconds away from strangling him.

"Chill man, I just want to talk. So can you let me go?" I released him and looked at the others Carlos, Marcus, and Jose'. I remember when we all used to be close until they betrayed me too.

"We want you to come back to the crew," Carlos said. He must've had a big bowl of estúpido's cause that's never gonna happen.

"Why would I go back to the guy who got me locked up in the first place?"

"Come on Luis don't be like that, that was 4 months ago." Was he serious, I just got out a few days ago.

"Thanks for the offer but no thanks. I don't want to be friends with a coward who can't do his own dirty work!" After I said that a few people started to crowd around. "Shut the fuck up Luis!" Vince was starting to turn red, but he didn't scare me he never did.

"What? You don't want others to know what really happened that day."

"What's he talking about Vince?" Marcus said. He was the one that I was closest with in our little group.

"Nothing!" Vince spat out.

"Nah, I want to hear your pathetic ass excuse Vince. Tell them." Instead of him saying anything he punch me in my jaw. I stumbled back a little bit but shook it off. More people started to crowd around some were yelling, others were placing bets, and a few were taking videos.

"World star!!!" A dude with neon green hair yelled.

I already knew what was gonna happen next.


I walked out the parking lot towards my car then I heard yelling. I walked over to where the commotion was. I was a little surprised to find out who was there. Luis and this guy were arguing and there were three other guys watching them.

"What? You don't want others to know what really happened that day." Luis said.

"What's he talking about Vince?" One of the guys said. "Nothing!" I'm guessing which is Vince yelled in anger.

"Nah, I want to hear your pathetic ass excuse Vince. Tell them." Luis said. Is it bad that I think he looks even hotter when he's mad?

The Vince guy threw a punch at Luis which caused him to stumble back. Luis held his Jaw then shook it off. I noticed more people started to gather around. Luis threw a punch at his eye and kneed him in the balls. Vince fell to the ground and Luis took advantage of the moment, he jumped on him and repeatedly punched him in the face. Somehow Vince managed to get out of his position and start punching Luis a few times and even kicked him in the ribs.

Eventually two of the other guys pulled them off each other. Damn! Luis messed Vince's face up. Vince had a black eye, a cut on his cheek and his mouth was bloody. Luis didn't look as bad but he didn't look the best either. Luis's lip was swollen and had a cut on it, his nose was bleeding a little, and his shirt was torn in some places that showed his abs.

A few seconds later you could hear faint police sirens coming close. Everyone evacuated the area including Vince and those guys. Luis and I were the only ones standing there. His eyes met mine then he looked at Vince running away. "Pussy ass Puta."

I noticed the sirens were getting closer so I decided to help. I grabbed him by the side and put his arm over my shoulder and quickly ran to my car. I opened the door and unlocked it, "Get in!" I demand.

He did as I said and I quickly drove off to my house.



She pulled into the drive way of this nice one story house; her neighborhood was nice unlike mine. We both stepped out the car and walked towards to the door. She opened it and called out for her parents but she was answered with silence. She waved for me to come in and she led me to her bathroom.

"You know most girls would've shown me their bedrooms?" I said jokingly.

"But I'm not most girls." She sent me a smile showing off her perfect teeth.

"No, you're certainly not."

She cleaned up my cuts and wounds. I sat on the counter and she stood between my legs. Her face was just a few inches away from mine so if I were to lean forward we would be kissing. But I don't even think she noticed how close we were. She was so focused on cleaning the wounds and I was focused on her.

She really was pretty and I could tell she has a big heart. She's very caring.

I need more people like her in life my but I known better than to get involved with her. She has a great life and I didn't need to ruin it with all my problems.

"You know you didn't need to help me right?"

"Yeah you're right, but you probably would've got suspended on the first day and what good would that do you. Even assholes need help sometimes." She said with a smile.

"There all done." She stepped back and she admired her handy work.

"Thanks Kiyah, I really appreciate it." I smiled back at her. It's been a while since someone had my back like she did today.

She grabs her chest with both hands dramatically, "aww you got my name right!" I know she was being sarcastic but I couldn't help but but smile.

"Listen we got off on a bad start." I feel she doesn't like me too much. "But I promise I'm not a total ass. I'm a cool dude once you get to know me for real."

"You know only a total ass would say that?" She rolled her eyes while crossing her arms, it's hard to tell if she's joking or not.


"I'm just messing with you Luis," she giggles. Her laugh is so adorable.

"Oh." I simply say. "Well can we start over? Friends?"

"Yeah," she smiled, "I'd like that."


A/N: So what about this chapter? How do you guys feel about Luis so far? Do you like him or have mixed emotions about him?


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