4: The Not-so-Talented Artist

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"Ah shit, shit, shit!" I heard footsteps running past my door as I fix my hair for school. It's probably my mother almost running late once again.

After adding the finishing touches to my hair I looked out my window to see my mother struggling on trying to get the car to start. She then gets out and kicked the car in frustration. Poor ma, today just isn't her day.

After grabbing my book bag and stuff I head to the kitchen to grab something to eat. As I poured a cup of apple juice I heard the front door slam open. Before I knew it ma was in the kitchen trying to catch her breath.

"Hey, baby"

"Heyyyyy" I say awkwardly waiting on her to tell me whatever she has to.

She holds up her index finger telling me to give her a minute. Once she caught her breath she continued on, "So the car won't start up and I'm running late I need to borrow yours."

I figured she was gonna ask me that and it's not like I have a choice. I don't mind letting her use my car, but unfortunately that means I have to catch the bus and I hate riding the bus. The people on there are always loud as fuck and the bus smells like fish. I internally roll my eyes at the thought of how I'm going to start off my morning.

"The keys are on my dresser."

She quickly thanks me and then dashes to my room.

After my mom left I pull out my phone checking the time. Okay so it's 7 and if I'm not mistaken the bus should be here in like 10 minutes. To be on the safe side I should probably go now.

Before leaving the house I grab a granola bar and then make my way to the bus stop. I plug in my earbuds and zone out the world listening to favorite songs.

As I turn around a corner I see 6 other kids patiently waiting by a stop sign. When I joined them I got a few stares from some of them while the others just minded their own business. About two songs later the bus pulls around the corner and stops right in front of us. 

Just as I was about to get on, some girl jumped in front of me. At this point, I honestly don't care; I just want to get to school.

Walking up the steps Ms. Davis, the bus driver, flashed a welcoming smile. In my opinion Ms. Davis is the best bus driver ever. She's mad cool and laid back; she stays playing music and is always joking around with us.

Being the last one to get on the bus I had to search for a seat but most of them were already taken. Damn I forgot how crowded it was on here.

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