8: Trick or Treat (part 2)

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"Wait so you want me to steal from Drew Herrington!?"

Marcus rolled his eyes, "Say it louder for the world to hear."

He thought for a good minute, "So I'll talk with Drew get him a little tipsy and hopefully he'll start talking. While you'll be upstairs looking for anything valuable. Meet me at the pool around 10."

Before I could protest and say how stupid this is he pats me on the back and enters the mansion.

What the hell is Marcus getting me into? Technically this is all because of Vince. But all I need is a something valuable and I'll be on my way. Maurice gets his money, he leaves me alone and everyone is happy.

I take a deep breath and get ready to join the party.

As soon as I open the grand double doors the music blast through my ears. I take a look a the  scene before me. It was like any typical high school party; only difference was there was Halloween decorations and people in costumes.

A twerk song was playing and everyone was hyping up a group of girl who were doing tricks on the floor. A few guys got behind some of them trying to catch it. Not gonna lie I was tempted too but I had a mission.

I went to the kitchen to get something to drink.  I wanted to get a little tipsy, I hate being drunk it leaves you feeling like shit in the morning.

This girl with blue hair was digging through the cooler when she got what she wanted I caught a view of her face.


She smirks, "the one and only."

"I thought you hated parties?"

She rolled her eyes. "I do, but I live here and my girlfriend wanted come to Drew's lame party." She pointed at a tall blonde across the room.

My eyes widen in surprise, "Drew is you're brother? I never knew."

She takes a sip of her wine cooler while staring at her brother whose laughing with his friends.

"A lot of people don't. He's embarrassed by me. I could care less though; he's an ass hat."

I could see in her eyes the hurt and pain but she smiled though it. I just brushed it off.

Her girlfriend then joins her side. I remember Julie showing me her screen saver of them. I think her girlfriends name is Sam or Cam, something like that.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2021 ⏰

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