Reverse Falls

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You have been driving for 6 hours until you were about to give up. Finally, you came across a huge sign that says "Reverse Falls: (Nothing here to see here folks!)"

(A/N) there will be a lot of time skips, so:

You finally get to your new apartment. "Time to unpack," you say as you open the trunk to unpack, groaning about how much things you have to unload.  "This is going to be hard to carry in..." you mumble to yourself. Then you hear someone talking ."Excuse me, maybe I could help you." Said a really kind voice, that seemed to echo in a way.
The person's voice takes you by surprise, because you didn't know that anyone was around. When you turn around, you see a man standing in front of you with a kind smile on his face. The man looks... 'different'. He has light blue hair and wears a blue sweater vest with a bow tie.
As he helps you with your stuff , you can't stop looking at him, until he asks "Is everything okay M-Miss? Do I, uh, have something on my face?" you blink and then shake your head hastily a d say, "Thank you for, um, helping me with my stuff." "Oh, your welcome, by the way I didn't catch your name." "Oh, it's (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N) , what is your name?" "It's-" "William Cipher!" A voice calls in the distance.
"Well I guess you know my name now." "Will!" Another voice called "Well I guess I need to go now. It was nice to meet you, Miss (Y/N)-" "Will!!" The voices yell together. " I'm coming!" William calls out to them. "I hope to see you around, bye!" he says with a smile on his face while he runs off towards the voices. All you can think is, "Well, he's a nice guy..." "Why, thank you (Y/N), I believe you are a nice person as well." Will's voice echoes in your head. You blush, wondering how he heard your thoughts, and go inside to start decorating your room.
I hope you like this new fanfic!
Since when were you in control !

Tears and Blue Roses ( Will Cipher Human! x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now