The Mystery Hack

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Old man Mc Gucket is not in the chapter , Bud is so here is a picture of him

(Y/N)'s Pov

I was looking through the want ad section of the newspaper. "Huh, maybe I could work there..." I thought aloud. A small ad for this place, called 'The Mystery Shack', was in the bottom left corner. "I think I've heard about that place around the mansion before..." Will said. "Not very good comments, though." "Well, I think we can agree that if the Gleefuls don't like it, it's good." I said, to which he nodded.

*Time skip, brought to you by a floating dorito, named Bill!*

You were about to knock on the door of the Mystery Shack until the door opened itself! "Woah!" You said, as you cautiously went inside. "Umm, hello? Is anyone here?" "Hello!" Someone said, stepping out from behind a case of knick knacks and stuff. "I'm Pacifica Southeast! I'm twelve years old, and I own a chicken! Wanna be friends?!" She shook your hand excitedly.

"Pacifica, what are you doing to this poor girl?" A boy asked, coming through a door. "Howdy, I'm Gideon, Gideon Pines." He smiled. "Welcome to The Mystery Shack!" "But, the sign said 'Mystery Hack'." I replied. "Yeah, we really do need to get that fixed!" He shrugged. "Oh well, what brings you by?""I don't think we've seen you around very often." Pacifica said. "Oh, well, that's because I moved in this week!" I said, smiling, shrugging, just like any normal shygirl.

"So, you're looking for a job?" Gideon asked, leaning back on the counter. "Yes" You nodded. "Well, I'll show you to my dad, so you can talk to him about it." Gideon smiled. "By the way, we never really caught your name." "Oh, it's (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)." "Well it's nice to meet you, (Y/N)." Pacifica said with a cheerful smile. "It's nice to meet you too, Pacifica." You smiled back, then turned to Gideon.

"So, where is Mr. Pines?" "Back room. I'll come introduce you to him." As Gideon pulled you into the back room, he said, "Dad, this is. (Y/N). She's here for the job.""So, you're here for the job,  eh? Well, what are you good at?" "Uh, w-well-" Before you could even say anything, he just screamed out "You're hired!"

"Eeep! Okay." you said, jumping a little. "Mind helping Robbie at the counter, (Y/N)?" He asked. "Of course, Mr. Pines!" "Please, (Y/N). Call me Bud." "Alright, Mr. Bud." She nodded, before walking out the door. Walking up to the counter, she saw a black-haired boy. "So, are you the new recruit?" He asked. You just nodded. "I'm guessing you're Robbie?" He nodded. "I was told to help you behind the counter. I'm (Y/N)." "Well, (Y/N), let me show you how the cash register works." He said.

*Time skip, because training a new hire is a nightmare!*

"Wow, that is a lot to take in..."I said , knitting my eyebrows together. "You'll get used to it." Robbie said, with a shrug. "Are you the new person here?" A girl asked. "Yes" I replied. "Name's Melody, what's your's?" "(Y/N)."  "Well it's nice to meet you (Y/N), I'm the handywoman here." "Cool." I smiled, and then a certain question hit me like a load of bricks! "Wait, what is my job exactly?" "I dunno, ask the old man yourself." Robbie said. "I will." I said, marching off towards the back.

"Mr. Bud?" I asked, opening the door. "You haven't told me exactly what my job is." "Watching over my son and his friend." Bud said. "So, I'm basically a babysitter?" "Not, a babysitter... More like an accompaniment to them." He shrugged. "I need someone with them where they go. After all, Reverse Falls isn't the most normal place..." "So a babysitter." I said. "Call it what you want, (Y/N)." "Okay thanks Mr. Bud......" I said, walking back out.

"So, what's your job?" Robbie asked. "Apparently I'm a babysitter." "Yep... Sounds like something he would make you." Melody said. Then I heard a boom from the front yard. "What was that?!" I yelled. "Pacifica and Gideon playing with firecrackers." Robbie said, looking out the window. "WHAT?!!" I yelled, running out the door. "Guys!" I called. "WHY ARE YOU PLAYING WITH FIRECRACKERS?!!" "Because it's fun!" Pacifica said. "This was her idea, Not mine!" Gideon said. "But, you liked it!" Pacifica pouted. "Guys... enough with the firecrackers... and fighting" I shook my head and, hidden behind my (H/C) hair, I smiled. This is going to be one heck of a job. I thought.

I hope you liked this chapter and Since when were you the one in control!

Tears and Blue Roses ( Will Cipher Human! x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now