Threats and Acomendations

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(Y/N)'s Pov

"A little birdie?" I asked, as she came up to me, a little too close for my liking. "A little blue birdie, named Will." She said, reaching out her hand. "My name is Mabel." "How, did you get into my apartment, Mabel?" I asked, not to willing shake her hand. "Oh, I have my ways..." She replied. "How do you know Will?" I asked. "He's my slave!" Mabel giggled.

"Slave?! THIS IS A DEMOCRACY!!! YOU CAN'T HAVE A SLAVE!!!!" "Sure I can!" She replied. "As one of the Gleeful twins, I can get whatever I want... Including you dead!" The room suddenly got a lot colder, and I had a weightless feeling. "AHH!!!" I screamed, as I started floating off the ground. My lungs were screaming for air, but for some reason, no matter how deeply I breathed, I could get any!

I felt myself turning blue, when Will appeared, and started yelling at Mabel to stop! While she was distracted, I fell to the floor, taking in enormous gulps of breath. "William, get back to the mansion. Now!" "No, I'm tired of being your slave!" He retorted, teeth gritting against each other. "I didn't give you a choice" She growled. "Mansion! Now!" I scrambled up off the floor while the two were fighting.

Sneaking into the kitchen, I grabbed a frying pan. Will and Mabel were too busy yelling at each to hear, or even notice when I snuck up behind Mabel. BANG!!! Went the frying pan when I hit her in the head with it. Mabel fell to floor, and Will was having trouble picking his

jaw up off the floor. "Let's get her out of my apartment, shall we?" I asked. Will just nodded. With a snap of his fingers, Mabel was gone. "I am so sorry about her, Ms. (Y/N)." He said, hanging his head.

"Will, it's fine." I said, patting his shoulder. "I don't blame you for anything." "But how can I make it up to you?" He asked. "You don't have to!" I said. "You already did! Though, there wasn't anything to make up for in the first place." "You're right, but..." He said. "I just feel bad." I smiled, compassionately. "Don't." I said, firmly. "Something tells me, you don't want to leave, don't you?" "I'm probably going be killed if I go back to the mansion..." He said. "Then you stay here." I declared. "Come on, I'll need help setting up the guest room."

"It's okay, Ms. (Y/N). I don't need to sleep, actually. So I don't need to be in the guest room." "How can one not need sleep?" I asked. "Well, you see, I am sort of a Dream Demon." "A WHAT?!!!" I yelled. "Please, don't make me repeat myself." He said, calmly. "Sorry but, wow! I didn't think I was going to meet a demon--" "DREAM Demon." Will interupted. "Yes, Dream Demon, when I was here in Reverse Falls, or this Mabel Gleeful girl would try to kill me for no reason..."

"Again, I'm sorry about her." Will said. "Don't be sorry, Will. Right now, I'm more focused on living accommodations for you." I replied. "Now, what will you be doing, while I'm asleep?" "I said, I don't need to. I never said, I didn't want to try it." He said. "I see. Well, help me set up the guest room." He followed me up and helped me make the bed. The covers were light blue, with white accents. "Well? What do you think?" I asked. "Is it suitable for you?" "I'm fine with whatever I get, this is amazing!" He said, smiling. "Thank you, (Y/N)." I smiled back. "Get some sleep. It's late, and I'm all tuckered out. Goodnight, Will." "Goodnight, (Y/N)."

Will's Pov

I tossed and turned that night. What am I doing?! (Y/N)'s going to lucky if she even wakes up tomorrow morning! I thought. Mabel's probably going to kill her! Or, at least make her life a living nightmare! Maybe I could put a shield around the apartment... It's worth a shot.
A blue shield suddenly went over the apartment. WOW that actually worked! I thought.

(Y/N)'s Pov

I woke up from a dreamless sleep, stretching out my arms like a bird. The smell of pancakes wafted to my nose. The pleasing aroma filled up the air, as I made my way to the kitchen. "Good Morning (Y/N). How was your sleep?" Will asked, setting the enormous stack of breakfast on the table. "Good." I replied. "You didn't have to make breakfast though." "It's okay, (Y/N). I wanted to make breakfast, to thank you for letting me stay here." He said, with a smile.

"It's no trouble, Will. You stay as long as you like." I replied, getting out the syrup. Pouring it over my pancakes, I handed it to Will, so he could do the same. The rest of the day was a peaceful as can be. Will and I played some board games, and watched (F/M). But, sadly, not all days can be like this; Tomorrow, I will have to get a job. I hope I don't have a run-in with Mabel again, or her twin, whatever his or her name is.
I hope you liked this chapter and Since when were you in control!

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