After the great ball!

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(Y/N)'s Pov

I collapsed onto my bed, exhausted as to what happened tonight. "So, how did it go?" Will asked. "Mabel tried to kill me again. That is the last time I'm setting foot in that stupid mansion." I said, muffled by my pillow. Will came and patted me on my back. "At least, they know not to trust Mabel, now." "True." I shrugged. Will sat down on my bed, and I let out a huge sigh. Then, a thought came to my head. Will's pretty adorable... I thought. Maybe a few minutes of cuddling wouldn't hurt... Will's face lit up like a blue christmas tree. "Uhhh... Thanks, (Y/N)..." He said.

"You heard me?" I asked. "Y-yeah..." He stammered. "Was I speaking out loud?" I asked, embarrassed by the thought. "N-no. I-I just have telepathic powers." He said. "A-and, I-I-I.... I don't see a reason why we can't cuddle..." I pulled him down into my bed, and wrapped my arms around him. He, reluctantly, returned the affectionate gesture. I hummed, happily, as I snuggled into his neck. I didn't see a small smile grace his face. "Goodnight, Will." I whispered. "Goodnight, (Y/N)."


"So..." I said, leaning against the door frame of Gideon's room. He was downstairs, watching TV. Pacifica and I were alone. "So... what?" Pacifica asked. "What are your thoughts on Dipper?" I asked, suppressing a smirk. "... He's... okay...?" Pacifica said, though her face got a little bright. "Why do you ask?" "Are you sure he's just... okay?" I replied. "... Well... maybe he's a little... cute...?" She was definitely blushing now. Victory... "And to think that you said that he was horrible, yesterday."

"Sh-shut up, (Y/N)!" She said, throwing a pillow at me. I laughed, dodging the pillow. "I knew it!" I walked down the stairs, but when I got to the bottom I called up and said, "I hope you don't mind that I invited him over to see you, Pacifica! You're welcome!" "WHAT?!!!" She shrieked. "Yeah! So you better get dressed! Gideon and I are going exploring. Promise you won't do anything stupid!" "Are you sure we can trust him alone with Pacifica, (Y/N)?" Gideon asked. "Shh." I shushed him. "Just let love take it's course, Gideon. Who knows? Maybe someday we'll be invited to their wedding." Gideon paled, and a weird squeamish panicky noise came from his throat. "Don't put that horrible thought in my head, (Y/N)!"

I laughed. "Come on. Let's get out of here. Dipper should be coming any minute!" Gideon knit his eyebrows but did as I told him to do. "We'll be back, Pacifica! Have fun with Dipper!" I called as we went to the door. "If he touches you, let me know and I'll kill him!" Gideon added. As we walked out of the parking lot, Dipper passed us by. "Hi, (Y/N), Gideon." He said, shaking our hands. "I'm sorry again about my sister last night." "Oh, Dipper it's fine!" I insisted for the 15th time since then. "It's not like you were trying to kill me!" "No but I should still apologize on my idiot sister's behalf." "Yeah, yeah, whatever." Gideon said. I elbowed him in the shoulder. He was much shorter than me.

"Gideon!" I scolded. "Can't you see he's trying to be nice?!" Gideon refused to meet my eyes, he just kept staring at the forest. I sighed, before smiling at Dipper. "Pacifica's inside." "Alright then." He said, smiling back. "Have fun you two, just don't do anything stupid please." "Like?" Dipper asked. "No Firecrackers." "Oh come on!" Gideon said. "We don't even know where you put those things!" "Why do I not believe you?" I asked, walking off towards the forest.


When Gideon and I got back, Pacifica and Dipper were on the couch watching TV. "I take it you had fun?" I asked, almost hopefully. "Oh yeah!" Dipper said, grabbing a handful of the chip crackers they were sharing. "What did you do together?" Gideon asked. "He let me put bows in his hair!" Pacifica cheered. "I did not..." Dipper said, blushing.  "Yes he did!" Pacifica said, showing me a picture on her phone. "I thought you deleted that!" Dipper said. "Never! This is perfect blackmail!" I laughed, before taking Pacifica's phone, and deleting the picture. "(Y/N)!!!" Pacifica whined. "You aren't allowed to use blackmail." I said. Little did they know that I texted myself that picture...


I was lounging on the couch, watching TV. Will was doing God knows what somewhere else in the house. I didn't see him come into the living room, until he was right behind me. "Um, (Y/N)?" He asked. "Will." I said, surprised by his presence. "What is it?" "Um, well, I..." He stammered. "Well? What do you need?" I asked, gesturing for him to sit beside me."I-I wanted to ask you something... A, uh, a favor of sorts..."

"Anything... Well, almost anything." I replied. "What is it?" "I want to show you something, but in order to do that, I need to be in my... well... how should I put this?" He pondered for a second. "I would need to be in my more... shapely form." "Shapely form?" I asked. "You're not already in your shapely form? You've got multiple forms to begin with?" "Yes. Though, my current form, my human form, is what I like to use the most. Especially, when I'm out in public."

I nodded. "So... what is your shapely form?" "A triangle. A blue triangle, to be precise." "Why blue?" I asked. "Because, blue is the saddest of the colors." He sighed, melancholically. I looked at him, with a sad, shocked, look on my face. "No! Will! Don't be sad!" I pulled him into a hug, and kissed him. He turned electric blue, it was so cute! "(Y-Y/N)!" He stammered. "Why did you.." You silenced him with another. "Don't speak. You're not allowed to speak until you're happy!" We sat in silence for a minute, before he asked. "Can I show you my shapely form now?" I nodded, excitedly, and he went away into the bathroom. A few minutes later Will returned in the form of a light blue triangle.

My mouth gaped open. "beautiful..." I whispered. Will hunched in a little. "P-please, don't stare..." He mumbled. I blinked multiple times, before scooping him out of the air, and snuggling him to my cheek. He was rather small, you see. "WAHHH! (Y/N), WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!" "I'm coddling a cute triangle! What else would I be doing?!" I asked, before squealing over his adorable appearance.
"Y-you think I'm adorable?" "Well, you are a little cinnamon roll, too pure and good for this world." I said. "You think that of me?" He was almost crying now. "What? Did I say something wrong, Will?" I asked, wiping away an almost-tear. "Nobody's ever called me that before. I like it!" He said, nuzzling his face into my thumb.

"EEEEHH! YOU ARE SO CUTE!!!!!!" I squealed. "I don't want to let go." "Neither do I! Don't put me down!" He said, hugging my face. I giggled, before sprinkling kisses all over his triangle face. He started laughing. "OOH AHAHA!!! (Y/N) I'M TICKLISH!!!" Then we did that for the rest of the night.

A/N: I am so sorry that I haven't written in this book for so long! I hope you liked this chapter and I will try to write in this book more often.
Stay awesome!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2017 ⏰

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