Bad Day at Black Rock

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A week later my leg was pretty much healed. Sam, Dean, and Bobby came back from that demon case a day later with nothing on how to get Dean out of his contract. I was in the kitchen with Bobby one morning reading the newspaper as Sam and Dean slept on the couches after coming back from a visit with Dean's old girlfriend Lisa which ended up turning into a job too.

One of the five cellphones on the coffee table started ringing. "Wake up one of the dingalings." Bobby said to me. I stood up, rolling up the newspaper and walked over slapping both Sam and Dean on the head with it.

"Phone Winchesters." I limped back to my seat.

"Who's phone is that?" Sam asked Dean.

"Dads. Saved it in case one of his old contacts called." Dean mumbled rolling back over to sleep. Sam finally answered the phone.

"Hello. Yes this is Edgar Casey. Oh no, no don't call the police I'll take care of it. Do me a favor and lock it back up for me. Great. I don't have my book in front of me what's the address?" Sam spoke into the phone as he picked up a pad of paper and a pencil. "Alright thanks a lot." Sam hung up the phone. "Dean let's go." He shook Dean

"What?" Dean sat up groggily.

"Did you know Dad had a storage locker?" Sam asked. Dean shook his head grabbing his jacket, phones and keys. "Well he does. And someone just broke into it."

"Let's go." Dean sighed.

"Be safe boys." Bobby reminded them.

"Always." They both said, walking out of the door.

They were gone for barely a day when the phone rang. I answered because Bobby was upstairs.

"Yeah." I put the phone in between my shoulder and cheek.

"Ace. Where's Bobby?" Dean asked.

"Upstairs. What can I help you boys with?"

"Do you know anything about a rabbits foot? May be a cursed object." He asked. I burst out laughing.

"You got that stupid rabbits foot!" I laughed. "Shit, did you touch it?"

"Uh yeah Sam did." He said rather shamefully.

"Dammit. I'll be out there in a second."

"No Ace-" I cut him off by hanging up. I wrote a note for Bobby and left it on the coffee table. Then I focused all my energy that I've been stocking up sense I got here and flashed myself into the front middle seat of the impala. Sam and Dean were sitting there in the driver and passenger seats.

"Who said you could come here?" Dean snapped.

"I did," I said looking over at Sam's lap that had a pile of winning lottery tickets. "Oh my god. You know how many burgers I could buy with this?" I held them up looking at them. Dean snatched them out of my hands. "Back to the subject. Sam you touched the foot?"

"Yeah. It's right here." Sam pulled the rabbits foot out of his pocket, dangling it in the air.

"Oh yup that's it," I took the rag out of my pocket and grabbed the rabbits foot with it. "Okay. Hold onto this. Do not let it go until Bobby and I figure out how to destroy it," I handed it to Sam. "Now let's get some lunch." I got out of the car walking into a restaurant with Sam and Dean slowly trailing behind me.

"Yeah table for three." Dean spoke to the hostess.

"Congratulations! You are our 100th customer!" A guy pulled out a huge check out handing it to me, Dean, and Sam.

"Rabbits foot. Rabbits foot. Rabbits foot." I shook my head as they took a picture of us. We got seated a moment later in a booth. Dean and I ordered burgers while Sam ordered a salad. "Woah we got a Mr. Healthy over here."

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