Chapter 2 - Confession Time

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She swayed side to side as the end of the school day neared. The thought of confessing to Adrien heavily raced around her mind nonstop. She couldn't pay attention throughout the rest of the class period. Eventually, she ended up spending that time thinking about her soon-to-come confession.

The fond memory of the rain returned. She smiled happily to herself as she replayed it a few times. It was the moment she began to slowly fall for the pretty boy.

She felt a light touch on the side of her arm and shook her head to see Alya smirking. "W-What?"

They were whispering quite low, but it was loud enough for the other. "Are you ready?"

"I guess so..." Marinette fumbled with her thumbs; her heart pounded like drums.

"Don't be shy now! It's only three minutes till school's up, so get ready." She smiled and patted her friend on the back. "I'll be there for you."

"Thanks Alya, you're the best."


The bell rang soon after their short, quiet convo for the end of the school day. The four headed off to the library to work on their projects that were to be due quite soon. The girls sat on one side with the boys across.

"Let's see, what animal should we research on Mari? Nino and Adrien already chose a lion."

"What about kelp fishes?" She suggested.

"That sounds great—wait why kelp fishes? Aren't they just green leaves that hide around?" Alya seemed a bit uninterested.

"Well, there's more than what meets the eye."

"I think kelp fishes will be great for your project research." chimed in Adrien.

"R-Right? You t-think so?"

A mischievous smile crept up Alya's face. "Since we're on that topic... Do you guys have a 'special someone?' As in a crush?"

"I do." Nino spoke up, surprising Alya.

Standing up immediately, she slammed her hands on the table. "Seriously?! Who?!"

"It's a secret."

"Awe, fine." She sat back down and pouted; she really wanted to know who he liked.

"How about you Adrien?" asked Nino.

"I have someone." An adoring smile rested on his face from ear to ear.

Marinette has never seen him hold a smile that wide or that happy. The only time she had been able to witness it was knowing that it was meant for someone else. Someone he held dearly in his heart. Someone he liked. Someone he loved.

She was curious. "W-What's she l-like?"

"She's brave, courageous, beautiful, kind—she's just perfect!"

"R-Really? Is that so..." Marinette frowned to herself and sunk into her own thoughts. "She sounds more suitable for Adrien."

Noticing the small change, Nino and Alya dropped the topic to avoid any further damage. They continued researching and web surfing for information based on their topic. During this time, it was oddly quiet. The all-knowing pair shared worried glances between the blank bluenette and the dense blonde.

A few hours later, they all began to pack their things up. It was getting late and their stay at the library was longer than they had planned it to be.

"Does anyone need a ride home?" asked Adrien as he slipped his bag over.

"No thanks! Nino and I need to talk, but I believe Marinette does."


Within seconds, the two rushed out of the library doors. Adrien glanced at Marinette. She awkwardly smiled at him.

"Let's go, I'll give you a ride home."

"T-Thank you..."

She followed behind him quietly and down a set of stairs to a designated car. There was a tall, muscular man standing by watching the two. The door was held open for them and Marinette sat inside as Adrien explained the small situation to the other male.

When the car drove off, she stared at the window. She saw the reflection of Adrien's sparkling green eyes. The moon lit up his face as if he glowed.



"C-Can you tell me more about the girl you l-like?"

"Sure." He leaned back. "Well, she's someone close to me. She doesn't like me the same way I do, but I'll make her fall for me. I really do love her. She's cute when she smiles. She loves to go around helping anyone."

"She sounds like an amazing person."

"She is.." He grinned to himself and held a hand up to cover his growing blush. "D-Don't mind this to anyone."


She gazed away from his reflection. She was holding back the built up tears. She was supposed to confess. Instead, she finds out that the boy she's crushing on has an important person. Just knowing this broke her. Her heart tore in two as the idea of being with him broke. Giving up is the best choice. Trying to talk to him without stuttering was her goal. Maybe it could start happening soon; maybe tomorrow?

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