Chapter 6 - Trying

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She entered the classroom with arms full of books as she took her seat besides Alya. With her usual morning smile, she settled her bag down. Alya had a smile of her own.

"Feeling better?"


"So, now what? Tell me everything." She hung an arm around Marinette's neck and brought them closer.

"I'm going to confess this time."

"Confess?" Alya hugged her. "If he rejects you, I'll definitely come over tonight with some ice cream and movies to cheer you up!"

"Thanks, but I already have someone in mind who'll come cheer me up afterwards."

She was shocked at the sudden news. "Someone else other than me?! Who is this person?"

"Someone you should know pretty well."

Adrien and Nino walked in with grins as they sat down and greeted the girls below. They returned the morning greetings. It was still half an hour til class started, so Marinette decided right now would be the best time.

"Hey Adrien, can I talk to you?" She pointed out the door. "In private?"

"S-Sure." He tried not to let the warm feeling creep up onto his face after memories of what happened last Friday. "L-Let's go."

The pair took their leave. Nino stared at them with confusion all over his face. Then he turned to Alya as if he missed something really important when he wasn't here.


"Confession time." She smiled and grabbed Nino by the shirt, pulling him into a kiss. "You're the next target."

His confusion grew even more from there. His face beet red at the sudden notice as Alya giggled at his reaction.

Marinette led Adrien down the stairway to the second floor. They were behind the flight of stairs. She fidgeted in place as Adrien looked at her.

"So, w-what did you need Marinette?"

"U-Um... I-I..."


"I-I like you!"

The confession caused his blush to shoot straight up his face and steamed heat; the same happened with Marinette. "Huh?! Me?!"

"Y-Yes!" She covered her face and pinched her cheek to make her realize that it was actually happening in reality instead of a dream.


"I-I know that you already like someone else! I just wanted to let you know how I felt..."

"Ah." Ladybug flashed through his mind.

"Tikki?" A small voice came from inside of Adrien's jacket.

"Plagg?!" Another came from Marinette's bag.

Two kwamis, red and black, flew from their hidden places to hug one another. "I missed you!"


"We messed up Plagg! Now they know each other's identity! Why now, out of all times you stupid cheese lover!"

"Oh shut it cookies. You flew out to hug me too!"

The two began bickering off for a bit as Marinette and Adrien stared in shock. Their eyes widened open as they turned heads to lock eye contact. Another blush crept onto their faces.

Plagg and Tikki stopped to stare. 'Well this is awkward—'

"C-Ch-Chat?!" Marinette shouted as she fell to the floors; her legs gave out from the shock.

Laughing awkwardly, he held a hand on his face. "H-Hi milady."

"S-So the one I kissed yesterday w-was Adrien?!" She rocked herself in comfort. "No, no, no—he likes someone else!"

"Mari—" He bent down to her level.

"No, no, no, no—"

Adrien grabbed her hands and kissed her. It was the only way he could think of at the moment to calm her down. Smiling, he pressed their foreheads together.

"B-But why..." She teared up.

"I love Ladybug. I vowed to myself, no matter who was behind the mask, that I'll continue loving her. But, I met you as Chatnoir." He caressed her face in one hand. "As Chatnoir, I already began to fall for you without knowing it myself... I love you Marinette."

Tears fell as she embraced him. "I love you too!"

"Well, it ended with a happily ever after!" Plagg grinned in victory.

Rolling her eyes with a smile, Tikki pecked him on the cheek. "A reward for helping."

The two blushed as they avoided eye contact and continued to internally celebrate the love of the pair before them. Now this is another story itself.

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