Chapter 4 - Hidden Sadness

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Marinette woke up yawning and rubbed her tired eyes awake. Glancing at the time, it was 7:34. She was going to be late to school if she wasn't up and ready in six minutes. She woke Tikki up and got dressed for school, but didn't have the time to tie her hair up and left it down. She jogged to the kitchen to grab a freshly baked croissant for breakfast before speeding to class. By the time of her arrival, it was 7:59.

"You were barely here on time by a minute Mari!" Alya lectured as they took their seats. "What happened? Your hair is down too!"

"Sorry, I overslept." Marinette finished her morning croissant and licked her buttered fingers. "I didn't have time to tie up my hair either."

Her best friend hugged her. "Are you alright?"

Hugging back with a smile, she nodded. "I think I'm fine."

"You're not giving up are you?"

"I don't know. I don't feel as sad as I thought I would."

Adrien and Nino entered the room the moment the bell rang for the start of class. They took their seats behind the pair of girls. She held back the sudden sadness inside. Maybe she was wrong about feeling sad. Now seeing him, she surely did not want to meet him after what had happened yesterday.

On the other hand, Adrien felt worried. Ever since he met up with her last night, he was kept awake wondering if she was alright. She didn't look well this morning either. He questioned the unknown boy. Who would ever reject a sweet girl like her? She was a great person and an amazing friend. All of a sudden, his feelings felt conflicted and tied up.

'I like Ladybug, right?'

Class came to an end as Marinette followed Alya to the library. The boys did the same as they had agreed to go to the library together to work on their project like the day before.

"Hey Nino, doesn't Mary look sad?"

"I wonder why." Nino replied sarcastically.

"What happened?" Adrien was confused and blanked when nothing came to mind.

Sighing, Nino shook his head and patted his dense friend's back. "Oh forget it dude. Let's catch up to them and do this project."

The four all sat around the same table and immediately went to work. Their projects were due in two days on Friday. Today was Tuesday. There really wasn't much time left.

Adrien nudged Marinette's arm with his pen. "Are you ok Mari?"

She looked at him. He was frowning with worried eyes. The painful feeling came once again at the sudden eye contact and swallowed it back.

"I'm fine, really."

"Ok..." He broke out into a smile and continued working on his project.

'I'm fine... I'm fine, right?'

But was she really?

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