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He stood outside her dorm. Her door. A large, chipped, black painted 224A beneath the eye hole. Hesitantly raising his knuckles, he knocked. Twice, three times.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" The voice inside called, small padded footsteps becoming louder. The handle turned, his hand hovering over the brass knob. The door opened, to only be stopped by the snick of a silver chain, showing half of the woman's face. Young, lively, beautiful. A smile etched onto her face. His heart shook and a small piece came slipping off, showing the beginnings of breaking.

The door closed, a sound of metal on metal hastily being ground against each other ricocheted through the small corridor. The oaken door was flung open, she launched her self at him. Wrapping his arms around her smaller frame, he looked over her shoulder. 18 and beginning uni, he was so proud of her, of everything she did. The boxes were evidence of her recent occupation of the once empty dorm. His face buried in her soft tawny-gold hair, the inhaled...if perhaps for the last time.

She pulled away, her magnificent smile lit up her youthful baby face, natural blush spread upon her already rosy cheeks, blue-green eyes shining with love. He couldn't look any more. Another slice of his heart fell into the depth of his stomach.

"Honey? Are you alright? Look at me." She hooked a long finger underneath his chin and pulled his face so his eye met hers. He shook his head and pulled away. "Baby?"

"I can't do this anymore." He snarled, his voice surprisingly cold. His heart and brain protested, for once they agreed. He looked into her eyes, his electric blue orbs cold, colder than the winters. Her smile dropped and a passive, hard look over took her magnificent face. She didn't utter a word, he almost couldn't hear her breathe.

"You were the worst mistake I've ever made. You're a loser, dumb, useless. I need someone with status, who won't drag me down. I'm leaving for Italy in the morning and I'll be damned if you show up. Never try to get in contact with me, EVER again."

She nodded passively and held up a single index finger to him. Leaving the hall for a second before returning with a small black, velvet box. He knew what it meant immdiately, she couldn't have. It's made this so much harder. The box sat, outstretched, in her small palm. His hand reached out, finger tips brushing the soft fabric, clasping rigid fingers around the box; he pulled it into his own hand. Flipping the lid open, he looked at the magnificent rose gold ring, embedded into the satiny plush of the box. He caressed the intricate Celtic engraving, freeing the splendour from its confines; he turned it over in his large fingers. He looked at her face, passive, cold, eyes slated and unblinking, a beautiful shell of the woman he loved.

He looked into the centre of the small ring, seemingly lost in his massive embrace. 'Il mio amore, la mia promessa'-My love, my promise. He slid it back into the white satin, and closed the box with a snap. She didn't flinch, or even blink. She was lost to him now, truly she wasn't the biggest mistake he made....this was.

"Begone. I never want to see you again. You're not my loss, I'm yours. Hope you find a cow worthy of you with status and everything you desire." She bowed, sarcastically. "Good day, sire." She spun and slammed the door in his face. He stood, heart broken, out side her door. The box in hand, he flipped it open again and slid the ring onto his left ring finger and pressed the cold metal to his lips.

"Ciao, Mia Amore. Mi amo, fino a quando ci incontriamo di nuovo."

'Good bye, my love. I love you, until we meet again.'

Chasing OctoberHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin