Chapter 13

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"Thanks, Luk. I knew there was a loophole. Can you get me the info by tonight?" I ask, I've got my phone pressed to my ear. M.A.I.A.H was used only for business dealings, like buying coffee beans or paying for my lease, so I wasn't using the network right now.

"Anything for you, baby doll. I'm mailing it through, Kayle should have it there by 4. Ta Ta." Luk hangs up. I release a breath and flop onto my bed, burying my face into my blanket. Damn, what a week, and I've basically signed a deal with the devil to accept a date with Liam. There is no loophole for that one.

Luk was a man I met back in my Uni days. He was good at finding information, very good...scarily good. If you wanted something found on campus, you went to Luk Grayson, he'd have the answer. Drugs? No problem, he had that covered. Meaningless sex in a cupboard before finals? He'd find you a partner close by. Person owes you cash? He'd send someone to help you beat 'em up. Lost the girl of your dreams at a club? He had an address, phone number, social security number and other random tidbits of information, deep within his databases. All for a hefty price, may I add. But he could never look past a pretty face, and for once I was glad I had one.

He somehow graduated with a degree in forensic science and technology. Bloody genius, that man.

There was suddenly a knock at my door.

"Come in. I'm decent." I groan, not lifting my head from the mattress. So warm, like Liam! Shut up. I battled with my mind. I'd agreed to these dates, but I wouldn't fall for him. Never, ever, never again.

"Hey, Octagon. There is a douche downstairs that's wants to see you." I didn't look up, but at least Dave sounded sober. "Yes, dear child. I am sober. I haven't drunk a single drop of alcohol, God bless my soul, since Thursday."

Groaning, I looked up. There Dave stood, in all his 'sober' glory. Glasses askew, hair unbrushed, and I could obviously tell what he'd eaten the last day or so. It was spread out like a map on his t-shirt. "There's a stoned dickhead down stairs asking for you. Stoned as fuck he is."

I shudder and pull myself up from my bed, the cold air rushing to my body.

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