Chapter 2

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I'm back. 5 years away didn't sway the content beauty of this place, save the ugly identical box mansions that cover some parts of town. It brings bittersweet memories, the good, the bad. October.

I'm no longer the small, weedy coward that left her. I've signed the divorce papers, I've come home and I will get the love of my life back. I left her to go to uni in Italy, it was beautiful, picturesque, utterly home sickening. But twas not the only reason. The devil incarnate: Catalina Addeo. Beautiful, smart, terrible. Long flowing black hair, green eyes (no rival to that of October, mind you..), the darkest heart with no pure intentions. My father had chosen her as my bride, no matter the denial I went into over it....twas still to happen. 3 of my 5 years spent in the firey bed of the devil. And hers was spent in the bed of her step brother.

11 months ago, I donated some of my, unused, sperm to the European Sperm Bank and got only basic details of my donatee. OS563, Australia. I only received a sonogram at 12 weeks of my child, never to meet him or her. But I've made some one very happy.

I stepped out into the white slate of the airport, people milling around. Greeting loved ones, waving good bye, pushing over bearing trolleys. I'm seriously over dressed. I look to my crisp suit pants and polished black shoes...soon, I can return to my steel toed boots and jeans. But never for work, Toro & Co. Divorce lawyers, est 2010. 15 years going strong. But it's ironic isn't it, I work as a divorce lawyer and filed my own divorce. I push through the throng of people to the luggage carousel.

"Flight B783 from Italy. Please move to luggage carousel 6. Thank you." The lady over the PA said, monotonously. I moved toward the allocated conveyor belt....then I saw her. Her halo of hair, shiny and full as ever, hanging short around her shoulders, natural red highlights catching my eye and drawing my gaze to her stunning ones. Shining with mirth, even from this distance. A girl came running towards her and tackled her, both women letting out an excited squeal.

Keiran was back. Well....I don't know if she came back or if it was a holiday, last I had checked.....she was living with her husband Peter in New Zealand. Her mother and father thought they were having a boy, so they named her Keiran and kept the name when she was born. The women walked hand in hand out of the sliding doors, into the carpark. 

October, I'm back. I wanted to yell to her, cradle her in my arms. I grabbed my bag and speed walked from the marble building, hailing a taxi. I climbed in but kept my eyes peeled for any sign of the woman I loved. She'd left, with out a trace.

"6 Televar Drive, Newport. Please, sir." I said to the taxi man. He gave me a gruff smile and set his GPS. As we drive through civic (town), I looked out to the streets and shops, oogling at the changes made. A new little bakery sat across from the office I was to start work in tomorrow. Mio angel. I couldn't tear my eyes from it.

"Yev taken quite the likin' to Miss Skyes' cafe, there, Sir." The driver grinned. I nodded, Miss could be any one of Octobers 4 sisters. Keiran was out of the question...she was now Mrs Hale. Laura could've been next...but she burnt water. Natalyie? Nah, she'd be too impatient to cook. Clarabelle? She's but a child. Not to mention, that none of her brothers expressed an interest in any aspects of becoming a female. "She's quite the cook, tha' Miss October. Delicious Macaroons."

Confirmed and busted. I'd visit there tomorrow on the way to work. And maybe at lunch....see if she recognises me. We suddenly pulled up out the front of my mothers 3 bedroom house.

"'Ere ya go, sir. Tha'll be $15.50." I pulled change from my pocket and placed it in his hand with a smile. "Thanks, sir. Yev bes' be on yer way." I clambered from the car and retrieved my luggage from the boot. As I walked to the door, I heard the taxi drive away. I knocked once, feeling a somewhat sense of déjà vu.

My mother swung open the door, and lent against the frame. Long dark hair in a small ponytail on the back of her head, bits falling out to frame her face, over sized jumper sliding off her small shoulder and paint shattered jeans covered in well.....more paint.

"You're late, Liam." She deadpanned, then broke into a smile. "My baby boy! You're home!" 

I walked into her awaiting arms. Being considerably taller than my mother, this was slightly uncomfortable as she tried to pet my hair.

"How've you been, Mum?" I asked as she led me inside. This place hasn't changed.

"I've been good, paintings are selling better. October, you remember her? The 'love' of your life, that you dumped so unceremoniously to leave for Italy without telling her? The one I held in my arms the day after you boarded your plane? The very same girl who gave her heart to you, her everything?" My mother said, finger raised accusingly. "She's putting some of them up in her cafe, quite the hotspot now. Not that you'd visit. She's not your type anymore, from what I hear. And Liam, I am ashamed. Ashamed of what you did to her, I thought I raised you better. I've been getting more attention as a painter. Thanks to her, also I'm her main benefactor."

" did that for her? Thank you. So, so much." I croaked. Mum loved October like her own.

"For her and Dom." Mum said, then spun and flounced out of the hall.

"Dom?! Is that her boyfriend? Fiancée? Husband! I'm gonna kill him!" I bolted after her.

"No. And if you kill her son, I'm sure she'd rip your testicles from your body. She got a sperm donation, anonymously of course, from the European sperm bank and thus her son, Dominic Liam Skyes was born."


"Yes, Liam. She still loves you, you know. Not that means that she'd take you back. Now, get lost. Sleep off jetlag. I have stuff to do."


As I walked down the street, I fidgeted with my hands. Nervous. What if she hated me.....? Of course she would, stupid Liam. I looked to Mio Angelo and sighed, people were milling in and out, chatting. Coffees and sweets in hand, I licked my lips...partly because they were dry and partly because I was hungry.

I took a step into the shop and the bell tolled. I stood in the line, behind a tiny man. I could see over  head as he ordered, see the beauty that was my October. Hair up in a high ponytail, efficient and sexy, she obviously forgot to put her contacts on because she was squinting to read. But her green eyes were bright as she smiled at him.

"Charlie, skim flat white, please." Her voice was still angelic. If I hadn't of known I was on earth, I'd think I was in heaven hearing her voice again. I missed it every single minute of everyday of my time away from her. The man grabbed his drink and food, side stepped out of line, and bid farewell.

I stepped forward. She looked at me scrutinisingly, from top to bottom. It was October so I had no reason to be self consious. If anything I was proud that she was looking this closely at me. A blush reached her cheeks as she looked at my lips, her eyes, suddenly, met mine and her mouth gaped in shock.

"Do you give all of your customers this much of a look over, Miss Skyes? Or is it only old friends?" I internally fist pumped, I didn't stutter. She didn't talk, her mouth didn't even move.

"Hello, love."

"It was a closed donation. You are NOT going to meet him and take him from me! Get lost." She yelled. I felt all eyes on me.

"Let's talk." I said.

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