Chapter 4

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"Hey, Ry." I stood, shaking Ryan Carlisles hand.

"Long time, no see, there, Liam." He replied, ushering me to a seat. "Please, take a seat. We have two matters to discuss concerning a Miss October J. I. Skyes. One concerning a restraining order, voided, the other concerning a blood test on a Mr Dominic L. Skyes."

"Damn. Hefty." I shook my head, my hair falling into my eyes.

"Miss Skyes had her lawyer, a Mrs Tiffany Price, to request a restraining order, which luckily for you I had voided." He leaned back in his chair, a sense of annoyance hung in the air. "Dude, you can't just go to her place of work and residence everyday, causing massive upheaval in her customers and staff. Stop being a creeper. 'Tober has all right to bill you for a restraining order when you act like this for 3 weeks straight. Also, trying to hold her child without permission can be looked at as kidnapping. Liam, stop being as asshole."

"Damn it. She was the only thing on my mind for 5 FREAKING YEARS! I went through a hell of a marriage by thinking about her, it became my mantra. When this is all over, return to October. When this is all over, return to October."

"Doesn't mean you can ruin her lively hood. Li, I've known you and October since 3rd grade. Didn't you know how she'd react to something like this. You know that when you left her, she cried like something died....something did die, her heart. You know that the only people she's let in and loved in the world are her family, Jordan Wallace, Alanah Bates and her son, since you left? The first time I walked into her cafe, she threw a mug at me and screamed 'traitor' because I was your best friend. We've not been on speaking terms for 2 years. It's killed me. What, the sweet name of Mary mother of Jesus, did you do to her?"

"I might' her she was a loser and I needed a woman of status before leaving."

"And she gave you a ring, before you left?" He leaned forward and rest his chin on interlaced fingers. I nodded, apprehensively. "I know, I helped her choose it. The light in her eyes, the blissful smile on her face. She may have been just 18 but she knew....she knew what love was. To have it ripped out from underneath her. Good God, I just want by best friends back."

"Well, when she's acting like I'm a psychopathic killer trying to take her son, there may be no way that I can reconnect to her."

"Damn it, Liam. Mrs Price has managed to get October to agree to a blood test, on one condition..."


"You're not in the room." He raises a hand at me, silencing me as my mouth opened. "She has all right after the last 3 weeks. Also Mrs Keiran Hale has requested a meeting. Now, I have to go, I'm not your damn secretary. I am a lawyer, I have clients to tend to. Good bye, Liam, let's catch up for drinks of Thursday...I'll....uh, Ill text you." With that, Ry stood and vacated the room. Wiping my hand down my face, I exhaled. When did I turn into such a 'fuckboy'?

I want my old life back. My girlfriend, my mum, my friends...not this ruination I brought upon my self. Damn it, Liam.

"Sir, we're gonna have to ask you to leave. We have a board meeting on here at 1:35." Clarkson, the actual secretary called, holding the door open for me. I stood, grabbed my brief case, smoothed my suit and exited. I feel like a small coffee, I'm not going to make any attempt to startle...or maybe even talk to October. I just really need one of her amazing black coffees with those delicious beans from Zimbabwe.

"Kelly, I'm out for the day. I'll be back in at 11 tomorrow." I said to red headed Kelly, the receptionist who'd seen me grow up.

"Liam, sweetie, tomorrow is Saturday. Sleep, have a rest. You don't need to work. I've got everything covered for this arvo. Good bye." She waved me out the glass double doors until I was out of sight. It's hard not to love Kelly, streaks of grey in her bright red hair, she was such a sweet lady.

I walked tentatively across the street to Mio Angelo and pushed the wood trimmed glass door open, the bell ringing, then moving to stand in front of the counter.

"Hey, welcome to Mio Angelo, I'm Alanah." She stood stock still. "L-Liam. You can't be here. She's going mental. Keiran and Dave are furious...their littlest sister has cried her self to sleep every night for the past 3 weeks. Over you, and they're here right now. You need to leave."

"I'll take a Zimbabwe coffee blend to go, please. Then I'll get out of your hair." I sigh. She nods, looking to the back area then beginning on the machines. Alanah pours the hot coffee into a cup, spilling some on her hand, she cries out quietly.

"A-are you okay? Alanah?" I worry. Wringing my hands. She nods and hands me the cup, our fingers brush and I push the cap on, turning and walking from the shop.

I hear thundering footsteps behind me. Oh, Davo, how I missed you and your beatings. Not.

"David Alexander! Calm down and come back here now." The voice of October rings true in the cafe, a loud cacophony. I keep walking and turn around the corner of the shop, listening through an open window high above me.

"Lemme take a shot at that bastard. He broke your heart, October, and you deserve to be happy." David says, defeated. For once we agreed, as much as we hated each other, we both agreed that October came first.

"No. David, I don't but I shall try to be because even if he broke my heart, he deserves to be with someone better. I'm broken. The car crash took what was left of me and smashed it. Davey, please....ju-just go."

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