Chapter 9

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"His father is...who?" I ask impatiently, Dom clutched in my arms as he wriggles to be free. I look hesitantly to Liam, my heart racing and worry sets in my stomach. Pudgeman shakes his head, white hair frizzing outwards.

"No, no, no....just remembering the reason behind this blood test. The-the contract on a sperm donation...its legally binding, right, Ms Skyes?" The Doctor asks. I nod, wondering why this impacts the distribution of the results. "Well, if its legally binding, even if you have both agreed to this...I cannot, legally, give either of you the results. Without infringing regulations and being thrown into jail. If you want these results, you'll have to speak to the Sperm bank both of you used, though, I'm doubtful that you both used the same one-"

"The ESB. European Sperm Bank. 11 months ago, I got an email saying that my donatee was pregnant, then I got a sonogram at 12 weeks, then an assurance that the baby was born healthy and with no defects." Liam relayed. Eyes never leaving me. I began to shake, with fury, I don't care if it's not legal, I want those damn results.

"Dr, I can have you thrown in jail in more ways than one, if you don't give me those damn results. Ever heard of Mrs Tiffany Price?" I growled. Dr Pudgeman nodded vigorously, fear flashed in his eyes, it was so heavy I could smell it. "Give us those damn results or I have the right in a court of law to have you thrown in jail. Obstruction of peace and keeping pressing legal information from some one in dire need of it. Also, obstruction of justice as keeping this information is 1. Formidable, 2. Keeping a parent from their child, forcefully and illegally and 3. Pissing off a single mother, counted against you for life, Mr Pudgeman."

Liam looks at me, obviously impressed. I flick my hair over my shoulder, proud of myself, I didn't do a secondary attorney law degree during culinary school for nothing. It was double the work, but I'm freaking proud of myself. I actually did 4 degrees at university, 2 major and 2 minor, all four hanging up in my cafe as well as the awards from the community. Law and Hospitality (culinary school) were my majors and Drama and Coronary Practices as my minors. I'm my spare time, I'm working on a PhD for coronary practices and Law. Law was 4 years, Drama was 1, Hospitality was 3 and Coronary Practices was five and I'm still finishing at an online Uni, it's hard to make time for though.

"" Pudgeman hummed. He pressed a button somewhere on his desk. "Security, please escort the two young people and their baby from my office, now!" 

I could hear footsteps, heavy ones, reaching the door at fast pace. I look to Liam, grip his hand and pull him from his chair, guiding him toward the door.

"We will get our answer, Arthur, or should I say ex-Doctor Pudgeman? You won't have a job here for long. Good day." I hiss, shoving Liam out the door, Dom resting on my hip. One burly female security guard stands to the right of the door, arms crossed over a large busty chest, a snarl on her face. A weedy male stands to the left, looking more afraid of me than I am of him, bless him. "Hey, Gianna! You've changed."

Giannas face softens as she looks at Liam and I, Dom between us.

"What are nice, happy folks like you doing at a pathology? A genetic Pathology? I always knew that the high school sweethearts would get married and have kids. He looks so much like you, Liam!" Gianna coos to Dom, grabbing a tiny hand that balls around her index finger.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, we're-" I begin

"Thanks, Gia. Now, we really must be going, it's almost past Dommys bed time. Say bye, Dommy!" Liam finishes, grabbing a chubby hand and waving it. Gianna pulls her fingers from Doms little fist and smiles sadly at him. Dom looks confused at why his new friend has stopped holding his hand, but doesn't make a sound.

"We should catch up for coffee some time. I'll drop it that you now have a cafe, 'Tober?" Gianna asks. I nod. "I'll drop by sometime. Bye now. Bye, baby Dommy!" Gia looks to her partner and indicates to the end of the corridor, he moves in front of her and they begin to move away, Liam and I following at a nice distance.

"What was that?!" I hiss under my breath, knowing full well that Liam heard. He shakes his head and mouthes 'later, cafe', keeping his eyes ahead of him. Once we reach the car park. I walk to my Kia Grand Carnival and unlock it, strapping Dom into his baby seat on the drivers side, I see that across the carpark Liam can't even open his drivers side door. I let out an unattractive snorting laugh through my nose. I watch, leaning against the car, as he finally opens the door and flops into his seat.

This is gonna be a long afternoon...





I love you all, thanks for the support!

Genni xxx

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