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I know, I know another fic when I have others to finish but I couldn't help it. I got inspired and had to get the idea out. Do let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto.


The dark haired man pumped chakra to his feet and ran as fast as he could. He took a sharp turn to the left, not knowing where the lengthy hallway ended but it mattered little. For the time being, all he cared was to get somewhere safe, not for his sake but for his son.

The child was attached to his chest, letting out a mucus soaked giggle once in a while. It would turn the man's lips up in a smile, inspite of the trouble they were in. No one could summon such a response from him but the small bundle he was holding and his wife. Of course his wife would never laugh with a mouth full of spit.

The man met a dead end and a curse crawled up his throat but he held it back-didn't want his son to hear it. Another curse rolled over to the tip of his tongue at his helplessness only to be pushed back again. Even in this condition he couldn't swear. His wife would have his head for it. As if sensing his inner turmoil, the baby looked up and blinked his large grey eyes at him. "I can't, son. I have no hands to spare. "

The baby laughed, bringing a smile on his father's face. "Want to see magic? "He put him down on the ground and he let out a small cry of protest, hands stretching immediately out for the older male, lips quivering. "Don't son. How do you suppose I work carrying you? "

Only a couple of years ago, he would have found it extremely weird-talking to a toddler. But now, it was his favourite hobby. He could talk to him for hours, could talk about anything without being embarrassed or ashamed. He knew his son would never tell on him, not that he could.

His left eye came alive and released an indigo glow in the semi dark hallway. He bit on his thumb and squat down on the floor, a few feet away from his son and traced symbols with his bloodied thumb. "Watch and learn, son."

The little boy who was at the brink of tears only moments ago watched his father attentively. The man doubted that he could see him with his vision. He was just fascinated with the glow his eye emitted.

A huge crash was heard behind the older man and both heads turned simultaneously in the direction of the noise. "Found ya."

Sasuke shook his head and mentally groaned. Even now, the idiot couldn't stop being a show-off. He was obsessed with making flashy appearences and would not think twice about destroying a wall or two if it ensured his heroic entery. Though he wasn't exactly a hero at the time being.

The raven haired Uchiha abandoned the task at hand and straightened. "So it would seem, Naruto. "

Like that of a chesher cat, his grin made an appearance before its owner stepped in through the hole in the wall. His blond hair looked wild and his eyes burned red. He presented the picture of a mad man. "Now, now Sasuke. I don't want any trouble. Just hand over the child to me and we can go our separate ways. "

Sasuke glared at him. "Over my dead body. "

"Suit yourself. "The blond said before launching himself at him.

It started as a simple taijutsu match but still Sasuke couldn't help but think how much stronger his friend had gotten.


The thought saddened him. This wasn't the guy he befriended. The guy who offered blinding smiles and held out to hope no matter what life threw at him. It was he who had chased after him when everyone gave up on him, plucked him out of the dark and taught him how to live again. He was his bestfriend, his brother and someone he owed his every thing to. But he couldn't show him the same courtesy, couldn't return him the favour when he was losing himself to the darkness. He was too busy being happy and making his 'happily ever after' with Hinata.

He deserved every single punch Naruto delivered him. But his son deserved none of this. It wasn't his fault that Naruto turned out to be like this or Sasuke failed to save him. He was innocent in all this and he'll protect him even if it meant that he had to give up on his life.

A kick to his torso and Sasuke went flying. He landed a few inches away from his little boy who clapped his chubby hands and laughed." Glad you're having fun seeing your father in misery. " He plopped on all fours-or in his case, all threes-and shook his head to clear his vision.

"I see you're getting rusty." The kyuubi vessel's voice boomed. "But you'd be glad to hear I've been training." Sasuke's eyes widened seeing the seals Naruto's hands formed. "Kurama, KAI! "

The roof crashed down on the two Uchihas and Sasuke was only fast enough to cover his son's body with his own. However the anticipated impact of falling rubble never came and he opened his eyes to check.

A dome of chakra* surrounded them protectively, deflecting the rain of bricks and wood-a technique unique to the Hyuuga clan. And there was only one Hyuuga who'd jump in to save them even at the cost of their life. A Hyuuga who was an Uchiha now. "Hinata! "

She offered him a brief smile over her shoulder. Turning to Naruto, her eyes narrowed at the towering figure. It was a shame Naruto had dragged Kurama down with him. The beast was just as senseless as it's master. "You've hurt me through my child before but I won't let you lay a finger on my son." Her fingers moved through the seals-boar, dog, bird, monkey, ram-"KACHIYOS NO JUTSU! "
Hinata disappeared in a huge cloud of smoke.

"Uchiha-sama." The cloud spoke, taking shape of a polar bear.

"Kazahana-san, please call me Hinata. "She turned to Sasuke and threw him a cardboard box from atop its head which he failed to catch with his son in his arm. "Sasuke! Do what you must. Leave Naruto to me. "

He nodded, bending down to awkwardly pick up the box with his only hand and pressing it under his armpit. "Take care! "He yelled before running out of that place with moisture in his eyes.

The dark room lit up from the light the portal poured.

Hinata had held Naruto back long enough to give him the time he required to open the portal but at what price, he didn't know. The battle had continued for sometime but it had gotten quiet on the far side of the mansion. He feared his wife might not have survived.

Still he kept his tears at bay and rocked his son, humming him the lullaby Hinata always sang him. It was awkward and sounded weird on his lips. He had always linked the lullby to his wife. But he did not care at the moment. This might be the last time he ever got to see his baby boy. "Shuu. "He hummed his name and wrapped him in the blanket from the box Hinata delivered him. He remembered coming home from a mission and watching his wife knitting the blanket, her belly swollen and her body moving back and forth on the rocking chair.

He fished out a small scroll from his pocket and tucked it in shuu's clothes. Naruto was approaching fast. He could sense him. He placed his son in the box and smiled down at him with blurry eyes. "It's up to you now son. Gomen for placing this burden on your tiny shoulders. "Footsteps. Raising two fingers, he tapped his son's forehead, gently. "Sorry shuu, but this might be the last time. "

The child watched his father with half lidded eyes before it shut close. Sasuke pressed his arm to him eyes and stood up. With foggy vision he watched as the bright light engulfed the box. The portal stretched until the blinding light filled the entire room and he had to close his eyes.

Sasuke opened them to find himself standing alone before he was tackled from behind.

*It's kaiten guys. Hinata can do it now. Yay:)



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